Bucky - Save me

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(This is a little twisted. Evil Steve? Aka ransom lol. I keep having this weird dream with a guy like Steve in it and I thought it would help to write about it, it's weird idc. Yes I have issues you don't have to point that out. Boy this is long)

You woke up feeling a hand on your face as you opened your eyes to see Steve.

"Good morning dear." He whispered as you smiled softly.

"Did you sleep well pet?" He asked as you nodded slowly.

"I had a nightmare." You whispered as he sighed and kissed your forehead.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asked as you looked away from him.

"T-The nightmare was about you." You mumbled as he sat beside you.

"What happened?" He asked as you sat up slowly and faced your back to him.

"J-Just you hurting me." You muttered as he sighed and walked around to where you were sat on the side of the bed. He knelt down and looked up at you as you quickly wiped away your tears.

"Shh doll, it's ok. Hey, look at me." He said as you looked down at him.

"It was just a dream." He whispered as you nodded.

"I need to go with the Avengers today, but Bucky is here all day to take care of you. If there's anything you need just ask him." He said as you nodded, he stood and helped you stand up as you made your way down the stairs to the living room. Steve's house was giant and well hidden within a forest. He had inherited the mansion from some distant relative back in the 50's. The Avengers had no idea about you or Bucky, and they never would. The world didn't know who Steve Rogers really was, only you and Bucky saw that side of him. The real side of him.

You saw Bucky in the kitchen with his usual dead eyes.

"Alright dear, have some breakfast. I'll see you late tonight ok? And Bucky, you know what to do if she gets out of hand." Steve said as you hugged him and watched him leave.

"Made pancakes." Bucky muttered as he handed you a plate.

"Thanks Bucky. Will you eat with me?" You asked as he nodded and followed you over to the table and sat across from you.

"I-I heard you screaming in your sleep last night. A-Are you ok?" You muttered as you looked away from Bucky.

"Yeah I'm ok." He muttered as you smiled at him.

"Y-You can talk to me if you need to." You said, suddenly he slammed his fist on the table making you jump.

"I said I was ok Y/N." He growled as you looked away from him.

"I-I'm sorry." You whispered as he sighed and went silent. You finished off your breakfast and Bucky took your plates up and cleaned up.

"Can I come feed the goats with you?" You muttered as he chuckled.

"Yeah I like having some company." He said as you smiled brightly. You waited for him to collected their food and followed him outside.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you doll." Bucky muttered as you smiled softly.

"It's ok, I know it's hard having nightmares. I had one about Steve last night." You muttered as he sighed.

"Same one?" He asked as you nodded. You grabbed the bucket of food from his hand and ran down to where the goats were. You threw all the food into the troff and watched the four goats run to the food.

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