Avenges - Alpha

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(ABO Universe, btw that means alpha/beta/omega)

(The new trailers holy shit. Bucky looks so good in What If like dammm)

You had done it, you'd run away from him. Maybe you should go back. No, if you went back he would never forgive you. He would torture you endlessly. You can't go back, no matter how much your brain screamed for you to return to your Alpha you couldn't.

"I smell something." Bucky muttered as Steve looked at him.

"Yeah, I smell it too." Steve replied as they turned the corner to see a woman huddled in the corner.

"She's an omega. I think she's hurt." Bucky muttered as they made their way towards you.

You looked up and shook your head as you began to cry.

"N-No, please." You whispered looking at the Alpha's stalking towards you. They came closer to you as you wrapped your arms around yourself.

"S-Stay away!" You shouted shakily.

"It's alright omega, we aren't going to hurt you." Steve whispered as you cried.

"We smelt you, and knew you were hurt. Where's your Alpha?" Bucky asked.

"I-I don't have one." You whispered back.

"We can see you mark." Steve said as you covered your neck.

"I-I ran away." You whispered as they nodded.

"Why did you run away?" Bucky asked as Steve nudged him a little and gestured to your bruised eyes and bruised neck.

"Was he abusive?" Steve asked as you nodded a little.

"Come with us, we can get you out of the cold and somewhere safe." Bucky said as you shook your head.

"No! I'm not going with you!" You shouted as he sighed.

"We have to get you out of here, if another Alpha comes by you know what they could do." Bucky said as you cried even more.

"We have an omega friend, what if we got him here. Would you feel safer?" Steve asked as you sniffled and nodded a little.

"Alright, Buck I'll call Peter. You stay with her." Steve said as Bucky nodded and knelt down to your level.

"I'm Bucky, and that was Steve. Can you tell me your name?" He asked as you wiped your eyes.

"Y/N." You muttered making him smile.

"It's very nice to meet you Y/N." Bucky replied.

Steve walked outside of the alley and dialled Peter's number.

"Cap? Why are you calling so late?" Peter asked through the phone.

"Bucky and I found an Omega that's run away from her abusive Alpha and we want to get her back to the tower for safety. But she isn't trusting any Alpha's, do you think you could meet us here so she feels safer with another Omega around?" Steve asked as he heard wind noises through the phone.

"Yeah sure thing! I'm out on patrol anyway, send me where you are and I'll swing by!" Peter shouted making Steve chuckle a little as he told Peter where they were and hung up the phone. Steve walked back to where you and Bucky were.

"He's on his way." Steve said as you nodded a little.

"Steve, this is Y/N." Bucky said as Steve smiled a little.

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