Bucky - Frozen

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(This one is a bit odd and random but oh well)

"So, you're going under again." You whispered as Bucky sat on the hospital bed with his metal arm missing.

"I've hurt too many people Y/N, including you. I can't be free while Hydra is still in my head. Until they find out how to do it safely I have to go under again." Bucky said as you nodded and held onto his hand.

"I-I'll miss you." You whispered, your eyes tearing up a little as Bucky smiled sadly.

"I know, I'll be missing you as well. But I promise everything will be okay, you have permission to date while I'm gone doll. I don't want you to be alone." He said as you chuckled a little.

"You're an idiot if you think I'm going to date anyone other than you." You replied back making him smile. He pulled you towards him gently and kissed you softly before hugging you.

"It won't be long. I love you doll." He whispered as you hugged him tightly.

"I love you too." You whispered back.

You and Bucky had met in Hydra, you were just a nurse so they never had to program you to kill like they had with Bucky. But you had still known each other for so long, you loved him more than anything.

"It's time." Steve said as you and Bucky nodded. You stepped away and let the doctor and Steve prepare Bucky for the cryo-pod.

He was securely inside as he looked at you.

"I'll see you soon doll." He whispered before nodding to Steve and they closed the pod up, letting it do its job. You watched Bucky slowly go to sleep.

"I'm really going to miss him." You whispered as Steve hugged you tightly.

"I know doll, me too. But we both know it's for the best."


It had been three months now. You missed Bucky like crazy.

"Y/N, I need to talk to you." Steve said entering your room as you looked up at him.

"They're taking Bucky to Wakanda and waking him up there." Steve said as your eyes widened.

"W-What? B-But why can't he wake up here?" You whispered as Steve sighed.

"They said they can help him better there, he'll be in safer hands. I don't like it either doll, but we have to think about what's best for Bucky in this situation." Steve replied, you nodded and crossed your arms.

"Will we be able to call him?" You asked in hope as Steve shook his head.

"No, they want him to be cut off from the world for now." Steve replied as you closed your eyes and took in a deep breath.

"Fine." You grumbled standing up and making your way out of your room. You were so angry, angry with everyone. You went up to the roof and looked out into the city.

"They're denying you the one thing that makes you happy. They're taking him away from us when they know he's ours." A voice hissed in your head as you closed your eyes.

Ever since Bucky left your 'alter ego' had come back. She came to you in Hydra, said she was a demon created by your darkest thoughts and desires.

When you got too angry or overwhelmed she would take control, lately you've been feeling weaker. Your anger was just feeding her.

"I-I can't do this anymore." You whispered as she laughed in your head.

"Then don't do it, let me take control. I'll take care of everything." She whispered as you nodded. Black crawled up your hand and into your eyes making them completely pitch black. Your skin paled and your hair turned to long black.

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