Avengers - Emotions

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"Well, that meeting was certainly useless." Tony grumbled heading out of the meeting room at the shield base. Steve caught up to him and stretched his arms.

"Fury's voice makes me want to sleep." Steve grumbled rubbing the back of his neck making Tony chuckle.

"Woah." Tony muttered as Steve looked at him in confusion. They were walking through the shield base on the way out when Tony stopped Steve. They looked down to see a glass cylinder, it looked very high tech. They was a single woman inside.

"Y/N L/N." Fury said as they looked behind them to see Fury entering.

"What's wrong with her?" They asked inspecting further seeing the woman had a breathing mask over her mouth and a needle in her right arm.

"She's very powerful, could wipe out the whole of New York. Only thing is, her power is based off emotions. So if she gets too happy, boom, if she gets too sad, boom and if she gets angry, she could wipe out the whole country." Fury explained as the two men looked down at the you.

"So, you just keep her unconscious?" Steve asked, he felt sorry for you.

"If you're getting sentimental captain, I wouldn't. Remember the nuclear bomb that wiped out part of Utah?" Fury asked as the two men nodded. He pointed to you.

"It wasn't a bomb. She killed a lot of people." Fury explained as they looked down at you in shock.

"Shit, that's intense. Did she mean it?" Tony asked making Fury chuckle.

"Mobsters blew her mothers brains out in front of her." Fury said casually as Steve's eyes widened.

"No wonder she lost control." He whispered placing his hand on the glass. His heart ached for you, you must've been so afraid.

"Yes well, until we figure out how to numb her emotions or numb her powers." Fury said as the two men nodded.

Steve laid in bed awake at 3am in the morning. He couldn't get you off his mind. There was something about you that made him want to wrap you up in a blanket and give you some tea. He couldn't imagine how scared you would've been your entire life.

Steve got up and decided to go down to the training rooms. Whenever he couldn't sleep he would punch the time away on a punching bag.

Steve thought he would be the only one awake. Tony headed down to the training rooms, he knew Steve would be awake after today.

"Damn, that really is America's ass." Tony commented watching Steve train. Steve turned around and rolled his eyes.

"Why are you awake?" Steve grumbled wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"I knew you'd be awake think about Y/N." Tony whispered making Steve sigh. Tony knew him too well.

"I just can't stop thinking about her. What she must've gone through. And now she's just in that shield base unconscious. The thing in Utah was over a year ago. Surely we can do something to help her Tony." Steve muttered walking over to the other man.

"Maybe we can do something. I could probably get Bruce to help me make something that would dull her powers." Tony explained to Steve as he nodded.

"I'll talk to Bruce in the morning, go get some rest. Okay?" Tony said patting the taller man's shoulder. Steve smiled and nodded deciding to head into the showers then go back to sleep.

It was around 10am when Steve woke up. Usually he would be up a lot earlier but his body and must've needed the rest.

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