Bucky - Reality

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(Just haven't been doing so well so i thought i would just do a vent piece)

It hurt so much. All of that pain, all of that trauma, all of that anger and sadness.
I stood on the roof of the Avengers building looking out to the city.
Everything in my life was just creeping up on me. I wanted nothing more than to just disappear, someone else take over my life so my friends and family don't suffer. I wish it were that easy, I wish life would just let me escape. But life isn't fair, it never has been.

"Kara?" I heard a voice say as I turned around to see Bucky walking up behind me.
I quickly wiped away my tears and smile a little.

"Hey Bucky." I muttered as he stood beside me and looked down at me.

"What's going on? You were acting weird all night." Bucky asked me as I did my best to hold back my tears. I was doing a shit job.

"I-I'm probably just tired." I whispered gripping onto the railing as tight as i could.

"Kara, I know the warning signs when I see them." Bucky whispered as i looked up at him and began to cry.

"Hey, it's okay." He whispered wrapping his arms around me as i sobbed.

"I'm here." Bucky whispered running hand through my hair.

"Did something happen? Yesterday you were so happy and bright." Bucky said as i tried to control my breathing.
How could i ever tell him the truth.

"T-There's just a lot going on in my mind." I whispered still holding onto him tightly.

"Please don't leave." I cried out as he hugged me tighter.

"I'm not going anywhere doll." He whispered.
After a few minutes i could control my breathing again, we heard a noise and looked behind up to see Stephen.

"Bucky, i need a moment alone with Y/N." Stephen said as Bucky looked at me in confusion.

"I-It's okay Bucky, I'll meet you downstairs." I whispered as Bucky kissed my forehead before leaving.

"You know exactly why I'm here." Stephen said as i wiped away my tears and looked out into the city.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered as Stephen walked up and stood beside me.

"I know who you are Y/N." Stephen said as my eyes widened.
Of course he would know.

"This isn't your reality Y/N. You stole Kara's body, you stole her life. I don't know what your motive is but you need to leave before someone gets hurt." Stephen said as i rolled my eyes.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone. Hurting the Avengers is the last thing i want to do." I whispered looking down at my hands gripping onto the railing.

"You can't just take over someone's life because you were bored of your own life." Stephen said as i grit my teeth together.

"I didn't leave because i was bored! I left because...because i was going to die. My whole life in that reality is torture and pain, all I ever felt there was pain. So, one night i decided i had had enough of it, i was about about to take my own life. But just before i did i passed out and i woke up here in Kara's body. I've been trying for months to escape my reality and i finally did it. The universe gave me a second chance, and I'm not going to leave when I've gotten this far." I said to him looking directly into his eyes as he looked down at me sadly.

"What about Kara? You took over her whole life, a life she deserved after everything she went through." Strange said as tears came to my eyes.

"I can't go back. I can't leave here, I can't leave Bucky." I whispered looking away from Stephen.

"Then let me take you somewhere you do belong." Stephen said holding his hand out to me.
I looked up at him and cautiously took his hand. There was a bright light and i opened my eyes to see we were in the same spot.

"Was something supposed to happen?" I muttered as Stephen chuckled.

"We're in another reality. A reality where you were apart of the Avengers, but they lost you. They need their Y/N back, and you need a family." Stephen said as my eyes widened.

"W-Why are you helping me?" I muttered as Stephen smiled.

"It's a win win, you get a good life and we get Kara back. Plus it's my job to keep up with the multiverse." Stephen said before i heard the elevator ding.

"That's my cue, good luck Y/N." He said before disappearing.
I looked behind me to see Bucky coming out of the elevator, he looked miserable. Suddenly he looked up and our eyes met.

"Y/N?" He whispered as I smiled, he ran up to me and hugged me as tight as he could.

"H-How are you here?" He whispered as i chuckled and hugged him back.

"It's a long story. I'm not exactly the Y/N you knew, but i am Y/N. I come from another reality, i was hoping i could stay for a while." I whispered as he pulled away and smiled.

"Stay for as long as you want doll. This world needs a Y/N, our team needs you." He whispered kissing my forehead.
Bucky brought me down to the team and they all hugged me and cried. I couldn't help but cry as well, i finally felt like i belonged somewhere. Like i was finally in my own story, not living someone else's.

(Short and random but i needed to vent a bit)
(Next one shot will be Natasha in an apocalypse!)

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