Bucky - The five stages

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(Trigger warning, this gets really sad and deals with grief so beware. I thought of this and yes I am going to cry. But all I kept thinking of with this story was that Billie song when she's like 'can't you hear me I'm not coming home' and it made me cry like a baby. Put on some sad music and just let it out homie)

You woke up feeling a hand go around your waist as you smiled softly.

"Morning." A familiar voice muttered sleepily as you turned around to face him.

"Good morning." You whispered kissing him softly. Bucky smiled and hugged you tightly to his chest making you chuckle.

"You're so clingy when you just wake up." You muttered pushing him away a little as he laughed and kissed your forehead.

"Shut up you love it." He replied as you looked up at him and smiled.

"I love every part of you Barnes." You whispered as he leaned forward and kissed your lips softly. How were you so lucky to have him in your life?

"I love you too doll. Whatever happens, I'm never going to leave your side. Not even death can part us." He whispered as you looked into his eyes sadly. Why had he said that?

Maybe he knew what was going to happen that day.

"B-Bucky what do you..."

"Avengers! Code red!" A voice screamed over the intercom as you quickly jumped up with Bucky. You grabbed your combat suits and got dressed as fast as you could.

When you were ready you grabbed Bucky's hand and ran out with him down to the main room where you saw everyone suited up. You heard a large explosion and looked out to see chaos in the city.

"What's going on?" You asked in fear.

"There's an attack on the city, we don't know by who or what. But there's already been several buildings destroyed. Y/N and Vision I want you both on the ground helping civilians get to safety. The rest of you are with me to find whatever is doing this. Here's your comms, keep them on at all times." Steve said handed everyone the small device.

"Y/N, I can fly us both down." Vision said as you nodded, you quickly kissed Bucky.

"Stay safe." You whispered as he smiled.

"I love you." He said before Vision picked you up and flew out the window and down to the chaotic streets.

"Stay together!" Vision said as you nodded and you both began helping as many people as you could.

It had been an hour of helping the civilians when you stood to take a breath.

"Bucky!" You heard Steve yell through the comms, you knew that scream.

"Fuck! I need a medic!" Steve screamed as your stomach dropped.

"Steve! Where are you both!?" You shouted back as Steve gave you the location.

"Vision!" You shouted out as he nodded and quickly grabbed you flying you to where Steve was knelt beside Bucky. You jumped out of Vision's arms and ran as fast as you could towards him.

"NO! Bucky!" You screamed kneeling down to where he was, there was a large piece of metal through his body as you screamed.

"Bucky, no please. Please Bucky, you can't do this. You can't leave me." You begged as his eyes opened a little to look up at you.

"N-Not even...d-death can p-part us." He whispered as tears streamed down your face.

"Someone help!" You screamed out looking around.

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