Avengers - Have a Heart

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( @reader28976 Hope you like it!)

"Has it been done?"

"Of course Sir."

"Well done Agent."

You sighed as you hung up the phone.

"Mommaaaaaa! I'm hungry!" You heard a voice shout as you chuckled to yourself.

"I'll order pizza in! It's Friday after all!" You said as your two children shouted in happiness.

You ordered three large pizzas and went back into the main room of your small run down apartment.

"Pizza is ordered and I got a large coke. Hope you little shits are hungry!" You shouted as they laughed.

"Shit!" Levi shouted as you pointed at him.

"Hey, we talked about this. We don't repeat what Y/N says." You said as he chuckled.

Your two children were twins, Levi and May. They weren't yours exactly, you had recused them from Hydra. Yes you still worked for Hydra but they let you have little bits of freedom, and you rescued the twins about two years ago and love them more than anything. They were scarred just like you.

The door bell rang and you looked out to see a delivery girl.

"Leave the pizza at the door!" You shouted as she left them and walked away. Yeah you might be over cautious, but you had to be. You waited for the girl to leave before you grabbed the pizza.

"Hope you guys are hungry!"

"Y/N L/N! Deadliest assassin alive." Fury said as he plonked a file down onto the clean glass table the Avengers were sat around.

"No one has succeeded in killing her, obviously. No one has come back alive. We need all of you on this case, just to gather information. We aren't doing anything drastic just yet." Fury said as they nodded.

"Shield has been trying to follow her for months but we've gotten nowhere. Anyway, your problem now!" He shouted before exiting, leaving the others to groan in annoyance.

"I thought we were done with assassins." Nat groaned as she looked over at Bucky who grumbled in response.

"We don't have much choice unfortunately." Steve replied.

"Alright, let's get started."

"Shit! Guys hurry up I really have to go!" You shouted as you munched down a piece of toast. You were late to one of your jobs, but you needed to get the kids to school. Well, it was your friend that home schooled a few kids and let the twins join knowing their history. You quickly threw on your black leather jacket as the twins ran out with their bags on their backs.

"Go go go!" You shouted as you rushed up stairs. Luckily your friend lived on the floor above you, so getting them to "school" wasn't very difficult. You knocked on her door and quickly rushed the kids inside.

"Sorry to be in such a rush but I really have to get going! Thanks Grace!" You shouted while running down the stairs.

"Shit!" You swore as you ran into the garage and hopped onto your motorbike. You could hear your phone ringing but you ignored it, you were very late.
You finally arrived at the very expensive building, your client was in the penthouse. You quickly ran into the elevator and pressed the top floor.

Great another rich asshole to shout at you.

You made it up to the top floor and walked out to see a man sitting in a chair sipping whiskey. So cliche.

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