Loki - The Club

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It was almost your turn to go on, yes every night you sung here in front of people but you still couldn't help but get nervous every time. You took in a deep breath and stepped out on stage in your long emerald mermaid dress. You worked at a secret underground alien club, aliens that were living amongst humans could come here and be themselves. When you went on stage you let your true form show, you had grey skin, red hair, black eyes and small horns on top of your head, plus a lot of scars over your body. People cheered when you emerged from back stage as you smiled and began singing. Your voice was enchanting, some rumours had spread about you been a siren, but it was true. Yes you looked like a demon but you came from a planet called Hireck, beings from there had all different coloured skin, but all had horns and wings they could summon. But your planet and everyone along with it was destroyed long ago, you were the last one left. You didn't show your wings very often, they were red like you hair and they were beautiful. In your culture showing your wings to someone was a very sacred thing. A bit like a humans breasts. Your wings were only meant to be used in emergencies, you didn't like that rule. But the culture of your people was the only thing you had left of them.

"I think we have a lead on our guy, but it seems to be an exclusive secret underground alien club." Steve said as he handed a photo to Tony who was sat on the couch in front of the TV.

"It says they only let you in if you show your true form, how would we get in?" Tony asked as Steve sighed.

"How about Loki? He has his frost giant form, but we couldn't send him in alone." Steve said, Tony thought for a bit.

"There's vision, but he looks too much like a robot then an alien. Maybe Wanda can make you look like an alien." Tony suggested.

"Friday, call Wanda down here please." He asked as he sat beside Tony.

"I don't know how willing Loki would be. He's never spoken about his frost giant form." Tony muttered as they looked up to see Wanda coming down the stairs.

"Hey Wanda, is it possible for you to use your magic to make Steve look like an alien?" Tony asked as she looked at him I confusion.

"Yes, but it would only last about two hours." She said, the two men nodded and handed her the photo of the club.

"We need to go undercover to this alien club, Loki can go in his frost giant form but I would need you to make me look like an alien. We have to show our 'true forms' at the door in order to go in." Steve explained as she nodded.

"Yeah, I think I could make that work." She replied making the men smile.

"Friday call Loki down here please." Steve said. They waited until they saw Loki coming down the stairs.

"Tread easy." Tony muttered as they smiled at Loki.

"What do you want?" He grumbled.

"We need to go to a secret underground alien club, but you can only enter if you show your true form. Wanda is going to make me look like an alien, but we need another person. Do you think you can come and go in your frost giant form?" Steve muttered the last part as Loki looked away from him.

"I don't know." He muttered as Steve looked at him sadly.

"I know it's hard Loki, but we really need to catch this guy." Steve said, Loki looked at him and sighed.

"Fine, I'll do it. When do we need to go?" He grumbled.


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