Avengers - Statue

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(Kinda has drift away vibes from Steven Universe, i apoligise for mistakes, i'm writing this at work on my phone hahaha)

You had lost count of the days and years you had been in this garden. Thouands of years ago you were cursed by a witch, she turned you into a statue. But the worst part, she cursed you so you were still aware of everything. It was a whole new level of torture. And she locked you away in a garden that no one could access without magic, you hadn't seen another living soul in so long.


Bucky was finally getting better, his trigger words were a thing of the past. He didn't feel like he fit in properly with the team, but he was still thankful they accepted him.

"Bucky, i need to talk to you." Stephen said as Bucky looked up to see him coming down the stairs to the main room.

"What's going on Stephen?" Bucky asked as he looked at the sorcerer.

"I think I may have something that could help you in the long run. I found this garden of sorts in my travels, it's between space and time so no one has ever been there. But i found a way to get there, I thought maybe it could be your space. Somewhere you go when you're alone, there's this statue there too maybe you can talk to her and get out all your frustrations." Stephen replied as Bucky looked at him in confusion.

"I know it sounds weird, I thought you could really benefit from it." Stephen continued, Bucky stood up and nodded.

"I guess it won't hurt to try." He muttered smiling a little. Stephen opened up a portal as Bucky followed him in.

He entered and found himself in a magical looking garden, there were flowers and plants there he knew weren't from Earth. The sky above was covered in beautiful bright stars and many planets and moons around.

"Wow, this place is beautiful." He muttered looking around.

Was that a voice you heard? It couldn't be, no one ever came here.

"I don't know how this statue ended up here, but she's quite beautiful." Stephen said as they walked up to you.

You looked down seeing two men, one with short hair and the other with shoulder length hair. How were they here?

"I'll leave you to it Barnes, use this to open the portal back to the tower." Stephen said handing Bucky a small ring. Bucky nodded as he watched Stephen leave him alone in the magical garden.

This felt weird, he was meant to just tell a statue all his problems?

"W-Well, Stephen suggested I talk to you. Basically just talking to myself because you're not even alive." The long haired man said as you looked down at him through your stone eyes. You had no idea how to feel, you hadn't seen another soul in thousands of years. He was beautiful, he looked broken but still beautiful.

"I'm Bucky, I guess it's weird introducing myself but it feels right. And you are..." He trailed off looking down at the plaque on your stone podium.

"Y/N, nice to meet you I suppose." He said, you wanted to smile. You hadn't heard anyone say your name.

'Bucky.' You thought in your head as you looked down at the strange man.

He sat in front of your figure as he chuckled dryly.

"Where would I even begin. I have a rough past, I was captured by an evil organisation and controlled by them. I killed a lot of people, hurt a lot of people. Steve, my best friend keeps telling me to forgive myself. How can i forgive myself after what I've done. I just feel so alone." He whispered as you watched him tear up.

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