Steve/Bucky - Change

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(Trigger warning, adult themes and abuse)

You and Steve had met a long time ago, you'd known each other since you were kids. You were there when he took the serum, when he grieved Bucky, and when he died.

Once you had lost Steve and Bucky you tried to kill yourself. You were going to jump off a bridge, but just as you hit the water lightning struck. Maybe it was lightning from Asgard or the gods, but somehow it made you immortal. You couldn't die no matter how hard you tried.

So, you kept on living.

Until one day Steve returned, you found each other again and fell in love all over again. Now you had Bucky back as well, you were living in the Avengers tower and you were apart of the team now, you loved your life more than anything. You had your best friend Bucky and your partner Steve, you couldn't be happier.

But lately, Steve has been different, angrier and having a shorter fuse.

Maybe it was just the pressure of everything.

You were in yours and Steve's room as he came in and slammed the door.

"Steve, what's going on?" You asked as he sat on the bed and groaned.

"No one in this fucking tower can do anything right." He growled as your eyes widened, Steve never swore, this must've been serious. You sat beside him and held onto his hand.

"Hey it's okay Stevie, just take some deep breaths. I'm right here." You whispered as he pushed you to the floor.

"You're no exception." He growled before storming off. You stayed on the floor feeling afraid as you felt tears in your eyes. Bucky saw Steve storm off and came into your room to see you trying to hold back your tears.

"Hey, hey what happened?" Bucky said kneeling beside you as you shook your head.

"N-Nothing, it's okay." You whispered as Bucky looked down at your arm seeing a bruise.

"Doll, what's that from?" He asked running his thumb over it as you looked away from him. He didn't need to know Steve gave it to you last night when he had gotten a bit rough when you were intimate. You're sure he didn't mean it, it was an accident. Right?

"I-I just trained with Nat and got a bit bruised." You muttered slowly standing up, letting Bucky help you up.

"Is Steve okay? He seemed pretty angry." Bucky asked as you nodded.

"Y-Yeah, he's just stressed out at the moment." You replied, Bucky nodded and smiled gently.

"You wanna come have breakfast with me?" Bucky asked making you smile a little.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

You were down in the main room with Bucky and Sam as you ate breakfast and laughed together. Suddenly Steve appeared as you looked up at him.

"Hey, you wanna have some breakfast with us?" You asked as he glared at you.

"Our room, now." He growled as you felt a shiver run over your back but you nodded.

"O-Of course." You whispered before Steve grabbed you by your arm and pulled you along.

"Is Steve acting a little weird to you? Usually he isn't this angry or rough with Y/N." Sam whispered to Bucky as Bucky watched you leave.

"I came in this morning to see Steve storming out of the room and Y/N on the floor crying. Then I saw a bruise on her arm. I can't imagine Steve would ever ever treat Y/N like that, I don't know what's gotten into him." Bucky replied as Sam nodded.

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