Bucky - After Death

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(I'm not dead! I've just being very preoccupied but there will be more to come soon)

(Talks of afterlife so if you have different beliefs simply don't read this chapter)

It was hard, knowing when someone was going to die. Seeing them minutes before they did. Some died with terror painted on their faces, others died peacefully knowing they were finally able to rest.

You didn't know what you were, one day you just existed and knew your purpose. You would be assigned a human that was moments away from death and help them pass peacefully. Well, as peacefully as you could manage. It didn't always work. You had helped a young woman pass on, she had drowned herself in a river after a long hard life. She went very peacefully, and you sang to her as she drifted away. Between assignments you would be transported to some sort of realm that you had created. It was beautiful, you had stolen some ideas from ancient Greece, lovely white and golds, baths, palace's, anything to help you relax and unwind after seeing what you saw. You were sitting at the edge of one of your balcony's looking out onto the endless clouds and slowly singing to yourself. You looked down at your hands, for some reason from the tips of your fingers to your elbow your skin was pitch black, the rest of you was ghost white, you ran your finger down the large scar down the inside of you arm, you had an identical one on the other side, you never knew why.

'James Buchanan Barnes.' A voice whispered as your body fell and your consciousness shifted to earth. You woke up lying in the snow with your usual black cloak and hood over your body, you could hear wind blowing in every direction as you stood up slowly.

"Where are you James?" You whispered as you heard a low voice screaming, you looked up to see a man falling from the train above.

"Poor thing." You whispered as you stepped back and let the man fall. Unfortunately the impact didn't kill him, he lay there, bones shattered, arm torn off, lungs collapsed, crying out for some body to hear him.

"Shh, it's alright." You whispered as you knelt beside him and smiled kindly.

"P-P-Please." He whispered out as blood poured from his eyes.

"Just a few more seconds then you will be at peace dear, think of your home." You whispered to him placing your hand on his forehead as you relieved some of his pain. You looked down to see your hands beginning to turn to dust, this is what happened when a soul was dying. Your body would slowly turn to dust, and just after they died your body would go off with the wind and you would be back home again.

"Just hold on, a few more minutes James." You whispered as his eyes began to close.

"You'll find peace." You muttered, suddenly you felt an odd sensation. You looked down to see your hands were rebuilding themselves.

"Impossible." You whispered as you heard a noise and looked up to see a figure in the distance.

"No, you were supposed to die today. This is all wrong." You muttered standing up and watching the figure look over James.

You saw James reach out for you, but you were frozen. He was supposed to die, this person wasn't meant to be here. Why was this happening?

"H-Help." He grumbled out as the strange man grabbed him by the collar and started pulling him along.

"W-Wait, what are you doing!?" You shouted, you knew he couldn't hear you though. There was nothing else you could do but follow him, your soul was tied to James now.

"P-Please." He whispered to you as you smiled softly.

"It's going to be ok James." You whispered in response, you didn't know what else to say to him. You watched as his eyes closed and his body fell unconscious. You followed them through the snow, your feet leaving now trace in the snow.

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