Loki - Just a servant

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(Some of y'all will see what I did there. Also I'll be uploading requests soon, I promise I'll get to them)

"Momma! I'm hungry!" You heard a voice shout as you groaned and opened your eyes to see a child. What was a child doing here? Shit! That's your child.

You shot up and rubbed your eyes as you yawned.

"Shoot! I slept in." You shouted as you quickly threw on your uniform for the day.

"Narvi go get into your clothes." You said to your 3 year old son as he nodded and grabbed his clothes.

"Dammit there won't be food left." You cursed under your breath as you ran over and helped Narvi get dressed into his little coat.

"I'm hungry!" He shouted as you chuckled lightly and picked him up.

"Come on I know where to get some food." You muttered as you crept up to the royal dining hall within the castle. There was plenty of breakfast food left over.

"Yes!" You exclaimed as you crept over and began stuffing sweets and bread into your pockets.

"Sweets!" Narvi shouted as you chuckled and settled him down, he began rummaging through the food.

"May I help you?" You heard a voice say as you paled, you looked behind you to see prince Loki.

"M-My Prince!" You muttered as you dropped the food in your hands and bowed to him.

"Does my father not feed the servants enough?" He asked as you breath caught in your throat.

"My Prince, I am so sorry. I will leave immediately." You said as Narvi ran up to you and hugged you from behind.

"Momma he's scary." He muttered as your face went red from embarrassment.

"You didn't answer my question. Was there not enough food?" He asked.

"W-Well, I accidentally slept in and all the food was gone. And I need to feed my child." You muttered as he looked at Narvi curiously.

"Well, go on. Take as much as you need, it all goes to waste anyway." He said as your eyes widened.

"M-My Prince, that's very kind of you." You muttered as Narvi climbed on the table and began collecting sweets.

"Narvi! Get down from there!" You scolded as he shoved the sweets into his mouth before you grabbed him. The prince chuckled lightly as you looked over to him.

"Confident little thing isn't he?" Loki said as you chuckled a little.

"I would say mischievous." You said as the prince chuckled again.

"Well, since you're both here. Care to have breakfast with me? I do get awfully lonely at breakfast." He said as you looked at him in shock.

"A-Are you sure?" You muttered as he nodded and pulled out a seat for you.

"Yes, I'm sure." He said with a kind smile as you sat down, you pulled out a chair where Narvi sat and started scoffing down more sweets.

"Narvi, we've talked about table manners." You whispered as he smiled with a face covered in jam.

"Sorry Momma." He muttered as you grabbed a cloth and cleaned off his face.

"I'm so sorry my Prince." You muttered as he chuckled a little.

"It's quite alright dear, children can be tricky. Especially on your own. Where is his father?" He asked as you sighed.

"His mother and father died, his mother was my best friend. She wanted me to have him and take care of him." You said as he nodded and began to eat.

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