Steve - Demons - Part 2

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You woke up the next morning feeling Steve's arm around your waist as you smiled a little.

"How are you feeling?" Steve whispered as you turned around on the bed so you were facing him.

"Exhausted, but better than last night." You whispered in response as he smiled softly.

"I'm glad. You want to get up and have some breakfast?" He asked as you nodded and got out of bed with him, you grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to change into some better clothes for the day.

You came out and met with Steve before heading down to the main room. You kept behind Steve as you made your way down, you felt so open and vulnerable.

"Y/N!" Tony shouted as you looked up at him in the kitchen.

"I came up with an idea. I built this A.I called vision, shit happened he became real. With Wanda's help I think we can create some sort of device, with Wanda's magic she could give it 'life' so it would be able to recharge infinitely. So then you would always have a source of food without killing anyone." Tony said as your eyes widened and you walked over to him.

"That would be amazing Tony." You replied as he clapped his hands together and smiled brightly.

"It may take over two weeks though, so I don't know how you're going to feed until then. Any ideas?" Tony asked as you thought for a bit.

"I could try feeding off things other than lust, like other emotions. It might keep me well enough to stay alive till the device is ready. That's all I can think of." You replied making Tony nod is response.

"It'll have to do for the time being." Tony said as you nodded.

"Help yourself to some breakfast, there's cereal, toast and pop tarts somewhere in there." Tony said making you chuckle. Yes you were a demon, but you still enjoyed eating human foods.

After breakfast you and Steve sat together on the couch talking to each other.

"Steve, I need you to come talk to Shield with me." Tony said heading into the room as Steve nodded.

"I'll be right back." Steve said before smiling and leaving with Tony. You knew this was them deciding your fate. You prayed to Satan that they would let you stay in the tower, you felt safe here. Felt like you finally belonged somewhere.

"Hey Y/N." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Loki.

"Loki, we haven't officially met. It's nice to meet you." You said standing up to shake his hand as he smiled and kissed your hand.

"It's lovely to meet you as well. I think we will get along, I know hell and demons is a myth on earth, I used to be just a myth as well." He said making you chuckle.

"Right, norse mythology." You replied as you both sat down together.

You and Loki spoke for some time until Steve and Tony finally returned.

"Y/N, we need to talk to you in private." Tony said as you nodded and said goodbye to Loki before following Tony and Steve down a hallway to one of their meeting rooms. You sat down across from them.

"Fury said he doesn't think we should accept anyone new into our team. But I said screw him this is my team, so we're going to let you stay here with us." Tony said, you heart sank at the first sentence before Tony finished.

"S-So I can live here?" You muttered as Steve and Tony nodded.

"We'd be happy to have you here. Welcome to the team Y/N."

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