Steve - Kingdom

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"Mother! No, let me go! Mother please!"

You gasped as you woke up from another nightmare. You looked around your grand gold and emerald bedroom trying to keep your breathing steady.

"Mother." You muttered looking down at your hands.

"Another nightmare?" You heard a voice say as you looked up seeing your dead lover.

"Y-Yeah, I saw her again." You muttered looking away from him.

"I miss her, I-I miss you." You whispered looking up again seeing him disappear.

"Darling are you talking to the walls again?" You heard a voice say as you quickly climbed back under the covers. A man entered, smiling at your form shaking under the covers.

"Go away." You growled out making the tall dark haired man chuckle.

"Don't be like that dear." He said as you felt him sit on the side of your bed.

"I have a mission for you, I need my best assassin on the job. Think you can handle it?" He said, you slowly uncovered yourself.

"Y-Yes sir." You muttered making him smile.

"Good girl, now get up and get ready." He said before leaving.

That was Loki, your king, your captor. When you were just a child he murdered your family and your entire town and took you to his castle. Trained you to be a ruthless assassin. You had murdered so many people for him, it was all you knew. You barely remembered your mother and two sisters, just glimpses of their faces and voices.

You stood up and got change into your assassin gear. It was the cliche old assassins outfit, black undergarments and armour on top with a hood and mask to cover your face. You looked into the gold framed mirror and sighed.

"Time to kill some more people." You whispered before leaving the safety of your room and going down to the throne room where you knew Loki would be waiting. Walking down the halls you wondered to yourself who you would be killing today. A family? A prince? A mother? You arrived at the throne room door and the guards opened it for you. You walked in and bowed before Loki on his throne.

"My King." You greeted him as he smiled.

"You've got a big mission ahead of you dear. I want you to kill King Rogers." Loki said as your eyes widened in fear and shock.

"Sir, a-are you sure I'm ready for that?" You muttered keeping your eyes down cast.

"I believe you're ready dear, I know you won't fail me." He said looking down at you as you nodded and stood up.

"I'll teleport you into his castle and from there you're on your own. Think you can handle it?" Loki asked making you nod.

"This necklace will alert me when it's been done. Squeeze the stone for five seconds and I'll know to get you out of there." Loki finished explaining stepping down from his throne and facing you placing the necklace over your head.

"I won't disappoint you sir." You replied making the king smile with pride.

"I know you won't dear, now get ready I'm going to teleport you inside the castle gates." He explained, before you could reply his green magic surrounded you and you were teleported inside the gates of Rogers castle. You gasped and looked around, it was so beautiful. You snuck into the castle and avoided all the guards, you saw a blonde man walking down the halls with guards and servants around him. That must be Steve Rogers. You drew you sword and readied yourself, you were about to run at Steve before someone yelled.

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