Pietro - My home, My universe

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(Trigger warning, death and grief)

You stared wide eyed out onto the ruble of your city. Your best friend dead in front of you. Your teammates, they're all dead. Your white wings hung low in sorrow, your face covered in blood, your body covered in wounds.

"We lost." You whispered as a tear ran down your face.

"We lost." You whispered again. The biggest battle against the biggest villain, you lost them. Your friends, your lover, your family and your team.

"They're all gone." You whispered as you looked down at your friends pale face. You couldn't feel anything, maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was your brain protecting you from the pain. You had been a hero for nearly ten years now, your team the people called your team The Elements. You had fought for years trying to protect your home, your city, your world. But this villain was worse than anything you'd ever seen. It demolished your entire world, murdered everyone you loved in front of you.

"You must leave." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see a woman with purple hair and wings.

"I can open a portal to another universe, you'll be safe there." She said as you shook your head.

"I'm dying here, with my teammates." You said as more tears streamed down your face.

"They all met their fate, but you do not need to. You're the only warrior left, I can still save you. You must go." She said as she knelt down to you.

"This is bigger than you Y/N, you're the only warrior left. All universes will be plunged into darkness if you die as well. You must go, to save everyone else." She continued as you began to sob.

"You knew this day would come Y/N, you have a sworn duty to the eight warriors." She whispered as you nodded. The eight warriors were gods from your home planet, you were the daughter of the first warrior. The last one left, without you the darkness would win. You knew what you needed to do.

"I'm sorry I failed you all." You whispered to your teammates as you stood on your shaky feet.

"I'm sorry." You whispered as you sobbed.

"Go Y/N." The woman whispered as you shut your eyes tightly and turned around to see a portal opened. You took one last look at your burnt home.

"Goodbye." You whispered as you stepped through the portal. You fell through space and time as you curled in on yourself and let your body fall. You didn't even flinch when you hit the hard ground. You curled into a ball and sobbed as you wrapped your wings around yourself.

Pietro was out for a run at midnight, he needed to clear his head. He ran through the park but quickly stopped when he saw a black feathery lump on the ground. What was it?

"Hello?" He called out as he gently touched the lump, wings spread out and a beaten and bloodied woman appeared. She was unconscious and had many wounds.

"Miss, can you hear me?" He asked as he shook you gently. Your breathing was slow and uneven. Pietro struggled for a bit but managed to pick you up and cradle you in his arms. He ran back to the Avengers tower and up to the infirmary.

"Jarvis, wake up Tony and Bruce please." He muttered as he looked down at your pained face.

"Arthur." You whispered in your unconscious state as Pietro looked down at you with sadness.

"It's ok, you're safe." He whispered. He heard a noise and looked behind him to see a very tired Bruce and Tony.

"Am I still dreaming or is there an angel on that bed?" Tony muttered as Bruce walked closer.

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