Avengers - My other half

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(Trigger warning! A piece of my diary turned into a story, this will be interesting. This one is in first person for a change and it's based of my mcu self. Please be 18 and over, it has adult themes and I'm just letting a lot of things out)

I can hear her screaming, pulling at her chains, trying to break free. What happens when she's free? What happens to me? I can feel her chains breaking, I can feel her getting closer to freedom. Do I stop her? Or do I let her be free?

"Ma'am, are you alright?" I heard a voice say as I looked up to see an old woman. I got up from the park bench and simply walked away. Why do I feel so empty? Maybe she's starting to take control again. I know exactly what would happen if I let her out. All of those priests had told me.

"You will destroy this world!"

"You are made by the devil to destroy us!"

"Your destiny is to kill!"

I scoffed and shoved my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket.

Destiny, it's bullshit. If destiny is real, it can go fuck itself.

"As long as I'm here, you're safe." His voice whispered in my mind. But he wasn't here, he wasn't here to protect me, he wasn't here to stop the inevitable. Why couldn't he just find me? Why couldn't we just be together?

"Why can't we be happy!" I screamed out into the city.

"Shut up crack head!" Someone yelled back as I rolled my eyes. I slowly made my way back to my apartment. It was a shit hole, but it was mine. And it beat a dirty cell covered in blood and cum. I shivered thinking about that fucked up place I had once called home.

Do you know what fucking sucks?

I can never talk to anyone about what happened to me, can't talk to a therapist they would put me in jail. And of course I have no friends, who wants to be friends with an immortal fucked up serial killer.

I groaned and fell onto my small couch as I sighed.

"Fuck, I miss you." I whispered looking down at my hands. How can someone just be gone? One minute they're there, loving you, protecting you. The next they're just...gone.

I felt a cold drop of something on my hand as I reached up to my face feeling tears. Fuck.

"I just want it to end, I just want the pain to end, I just want the torture to stop!" I screamed standing up. I could feel I was starting to lose control. I could feel her getting stronger within me.

Maybe we should back up and I actually tell you who 'her' is.

Thousands of years ago I did some bad shit, like really bad, like Thanos bad. Maybe even worse than Thanos, at least he had a viable reason, I just wanted blood.

I was finally sentenced and punished for my crimes by these assholes that run the universe or some bullshit. My punishment was immortality and eternity on this stupid rock called earth. Oh and one more fucked up punishment, my soul would be split in two. One half that held my true power would be locked away somewhere in the stars being tortured for eternity. And the other half, me, would stay on earth. Weak and alone.

Also they didn't just sent me to earth, that would've been great. They tortured me for a few hundred years first.

Back to my other half, literally. Lately I've been feeling like she's getting stronger, like she's breaking free. We might be completely seperate, but I still feel what she feels, I feel that hatred burning, I feel the torture they put her through, I feel the fear. I guess they wanted a way to always torture me.

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