Steve/Bucky - Angel of Death

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(this was based on a dream I had and I'm convinced I'm a demon or some shit cause Michael fecking killed me. Holy crap this is long!)

You could feel the wind rushing past your cold skin as you opened your eyes to see a bright light above you, you realised you were falling. For some reason you couldn't scream, all you did was look up as you fell.

What did all of this mean? Were you dying?

You looked to your side to see large wings attached to your back blowing beside you. What were you?

You looked back above to see a figure flying towards you, it was an angel. They were here to save you. You reached out a hand to them but when they came closer you could see the anger in the angels face.

"Michael." You whispered knowing who the angel was. He had a sword in his hand as he fell with you. You could tell the ground was coming closer as he drew back his sword and plunged it towards you.

Just as you hit the floor his sword plunged into your chest as you felt you bones crack from the force of hitting the hard ground.

Why had he done this?

"Y-You are no hero." You growled out as he looked down at you in disgust.

"I'm doing this because I'm a hero." He hissed back as your body went limp and you could feel yourself becoming weaker. He pulled his sword out and flew away as you lay on the cold ground dying.

You looked up and saw rain beginning to fall. You were so cold and so alone, these were your last moments, you barely remembered anything before you fell. This was your last few moments alive and you had no happy memories to escape to.

All you knew was the cold hard truth of death.

You story was ending before it even began.

It was so cold, your body was so stiff.

Was this hell?

You opened your stiff eyes and looked up to see a bright blue sky and a bright sun shining down on you.

You looked around to see you were in the same place as you were when you had died.

Did someone save you?

You slowly sat up noticing your body wasn't in pain anymore, your white dress was stained with your blood.

You slowly stood on your feet as you looked around seeing nothing but mountains and trees. Your mind was racing, you could barely remember anything before you fell. Who were you? You decided you needed to keep walking, maybe you could find water or some people.

You took slow steps at first before getting into a faster rhythm. You looked back where you had died to see your wings on the ground stained with blood, you felt around your back and felt large scars from where the wings had been. You had to leave them behind, you couldn't exactly stitch them back on.

You sighed and kept walking, deciding your best bet was to get on top of the small mountain and see what was around.

You began the trek up the mountain, doing your best to not fall down.

You were near the top of the mountain, you were exhausted but you needed to get to the top.

You hauled the last few steps to the top and collapsed onto the ground.

"If only I had wings." You growled as you slowly stood up and looked in front of you to see a village along the ocean. You sighed knowing there would be something there or at least some new clothes.

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