Natasha x Male Reader

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@Puppet198463 Hope you like it!

Well, this is great. You had been captured, after years of avoiding the damn Avengers the had finally captured you.

"You don't look so scary in a cell." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Tony and Natasha.

"Oh shut it Tony. I will get out of here, this just gives me a chance to rest and relax. It's like a holiday." You said with a smirk as Tony scoffed.

"Yeah that's great and all but we still need information from you. So we either do this the hard way or the easy way." He said as you chuckled.

"Oh sweetie I have been tortured by Hydra you really think you can get information out of me?" You said before your eyes widened.

"Mother fucker!" You shouted as Tony laughed.

"You idiot! You just voluntarily gave up that you work for Hydra." Tony said as you groaned and covered your face with your hands.

"I'm having an off day, sue me!" You shouted as they both laughed.

"I mean if you insist I can sue you." Tony said as you rolled your eyes.

"Anyway as I was saying." Tony muttered as he pressed a button on his tablet, suddenly an electric surge of electricity ran through your body as you screamed in pain.

"Shit, that was a little too high." Tony said as Nat sighed.

"You think?" She said as he chuckled awkwardly and turned it off.

"Well, guess you know what the hard way is now Y/N." Tony said as you groaned and held your head in pain.

"You're a cunt." You muttered as you sat up and leant against the glass wall and groaned in pain.

"So, how long have you worked for Hydra?" Natasha said as you sighed.

"Ten years." You whispered as she nodded.

"No, I wasn't frozen during any of that." You groaned as you closed your eyes and tried to force out the memories of Hydra.

"All this information is useless, Hydra will just kill me as soon as they find me." You said as Tony seemed to think for a while.

"You sure? You didn't seem very important to Hydra, not like Bucky anyway." Tony said as you glared at him.

"My guess is they won't even notice you're gone." Tony said as you stood up and slammed your hand against the glass.

"I was important!" You shouted, Tony just scoffed in response.

"So, more questions. And if you don't answer them well you know what happens."

"Ok Tony I think that's enough." Steve said as they looked at you laying on your back panting.

"I'll comply." You whispered as Nat looked you with sadness.

"I think you went to far Tony, we got everything we needed out of him." Steve said as Tony groaned and walked away.

"I'll comply." You whispered again as Steve and Nat looked at you sadly.

"Y/N." Nat said as you sat up and looked at her.

"I'll comply." You whispered with dead eyes. She could see the pain in your eyes, the fear.

"It's alright, no one here is going to hurt you. Are you hungry?" She asked in a soft voice as you nodded slowly.

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