Loki - Grave

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You sat in front of two graves. Gazing at them longingly as you held two flowers in your hand.

"I brought these for you." You whispered laying the flowers at the graves. One was marked 'Elizabeth Cove, Born 1945 - Died 1990' the other marked 'Arthur Cove, Born 1940 - Died 1989.'

"I miss you." You whispered looking to the man's grave feeling a tear fall down your face.

"Life hasn't been great as of late. I feel myself slipping away again, everyday seems to get harder. I feel like I'm slowly losing myself. And I don't know how to continue without you." You whispered beginning to break down in tears.

"I can't do this without you." You said as you sobbed into your hands.

"Miss?" You heard a voice say as you flinched and looked up to see a man with long dark hair in a black suit looking down at you.

"Are you ok?" He asked as you chuckled.

"It's a graveyard, you don't question why people are crying you just let them cry." You muttered looking away from him.

"I apologise I haven't been to many graveyards." He muttered in return.

"Then you're lucky." You said still gazing at Arthur's grave.

"Well where I'm from we don't have graves. We send our dead off into the sea and light the boat on fire." He replied as you looked up at him.

"So you're Nordic?" You asked as he furrowed his brows.

"I'm what?" He asked as you tilted your head.

"You know? Norse? Like Thor, Loki, Odin all those gods." You said in response as he began to laugh.

"What's so funny?" You asked glaring at him.

"I don't believe I introduced myself. I'm Loki." He said holding his hand out to shake.

"Wow your family must really love norse gods." You replied shaking his hand.

"My parents are norse gods." He replied as you chuckled.

"Well I'm Y/N and my parents are well, dead." You said pulling away from his hand.

"Elizabeth and Arthur, I'm guessing they're your parents?" He said as you looked back at the graves and sighed.

"Not exactly." You muttered bringing your knees to your chest and resting your chin on them.

"So who are they?" He asked as you groaned.

"Can you please just leave me alone? I'm trying to have some time alone to grieve." You growled at him as he put his hands up in defence.

"Sorry sorry, I'll leave you be." He said before he walked away making you sigh.

"I know exactly what you would say. He's a good looking man, sweet, polite and probably amazing in bed why not just fuck him while I'm gone?" You said chuckling to yourself.

"I'm not going to just go with a random human I find at a graveyard." You muttered sighing and bowing your head.

"Well, lucky for you I'm not human." You heard a voice say making you jump and look behind you seeing Loki.

"Jesus! You scared the shit out of me!" You shouted grabbing your chest.

"You're peculiar. Are you not human?" He asked tilted his head.

"And what are you?" You growled as he smiled and suddenly his form changed to blue skin with red eyes as you looked at him in shock.

"Frost giant, raised on Asgard." He said before his normal skin returned. You stood up and looked into his eyes.

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