Avengers - Glitch

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(This is what your mask looks like

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(This is what your mask looks like. Phew this is long. Ok so this is based on how I see myself in dreams, also the pain and shit she gets in her face is real cause I have this weird ass face condition and I'm convinced I have a secret super power hahaha ok on with the show!)
(update. This was three years ago and I now know the pain I get in my face is called Trigeminal neuralgia)

You woke up to blinding pain in your face as you groaned. You sat up in your dimly lit room, there were no mirrors in this place, they had all been thrown away a long time ago. If you saw your reflection you were afraid you would go mad, you had seen it once and didn't recover for weeks. The top half of your face was glitched, nearly impossible to explain unless you see it. You couldn't see your eyes, yes you could see, you could see better than any human, but the only thing that looked normal was your hair and mouth. You wore a blue, red and gold cat masquerade mask that you had made to hide your face. You had small black screens on the inside that hid any sight of your 'eyes.' It had a strong band around it that clipped on at the base of your skull to ensure it never came off. You only ever took it off to shower or sleep, that was it. It was about four in the morning, you made your way to your small kitchen and grabbed some pain killers. You had to meet Ray soon, apparently he had another mission for you. Ray was apart of Hydra, yes I know it's terrible blah blah. But it pays the bills, try getting a job when you have to wear a mask over your eyes all the time. So you worked for hydra to pay the bills and feed yourself. You strapped your mask over your face and sighed as you grabbed a breakfast bar to eat before you left your apartment. Good thing about living in New York meant you could get coffee at four am in the morning. You went to the small shop below your apartment.

"Aye Y/N! You headed out to your super secret job again?" The shop clerk said as you chuckled. You had known each other for some time, I suppose he was the closest thing to a friend you had.

"Just give me a coffee and I won't murder you." You said as he chuckled and poured you a cup of steaming coffee.

"We've known each other for like three years and I have humbly served you coffee every day. Will I ever get to see what's under that mask?" He asked, you took the coffee and paid him.

"Unless you want your brain to melt you'll never see my face." You said back with a smile making him chuckled.

"Fine fine, keep your secrets." He exclaimed before you left. You sighed and went into central park where you sat and drunk your coffee. Usually a woman around your age could never do that but you had power and could literally kill someone with one look. You sighed and took a sip of your coffee.

"Y/N." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Ray.

"Sir." You greeted him as he smiled and sat beside you. He handed you a file as you began to take the contents out.

"James Barnes." You whispered as you looked over the file.

"He was the winter soldier, but the Avengers rescued him. I need you to do some basic re-con. Think you can handle it?" He asked as you nodded.

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