Bucky/Nat and Wanda Musical Imagine

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(Okay I had this idea this morning and it's a bit hard to turn it into a full story so I thought I'd just make it an imagine. You'll need "SOS and Chiquita by ABBA" for this one)
Okay so imagine Bucky did something bad and he can't tell you. So you ask him if he's alright and he runs off and locks himself in his room. So you're outside and you start singing "SOS by ABBA" through the closed door.
And you're really sad and worried because he's been drifting away so much. (Listen to the song)
"Whatever happened to our love, I wish I understood."
You mean your back against the door and as the chorus comes some of the other Avengers pop their head around the corner and sing along to the chorus.
Bucky pushes his door open and runs away from everyone as you chase him down the hall and grab him by the hand "you se so far away though you are standing near" but he breaks free and runs into the elevator. You run up the stairs as fast as you can and meet him up at the roof where he's standing at the edge looking out and you continue to sing to him even though he's ignoring you. Just imagine trying to get him to look at you but he keeps looking away.
The music slows down.
You give up and walk away going back into the elevator. You go down to your room and sit in the corner hugging your knees and bowing your head.
The door opens and you don't even look up to see who had come in.
"Chiquitita by ABBA" starts to play. As you look up seeing Wanda and Nat looking down at you. They kneel down and look at you with worry.
"Chiquitita tell me what's wrong." Wanda starts to sing as you hide your face in your knees.
Wanda raises your chin so you look up at them.

"Chiquitita tell me the truth."
Nat begins to sing with Wanda as they grab tissues from beside your bed and start to wipe your tears away.
"Your best friend, I'm the one you must rely on."
They continue to sing.
The chorus comes and they both lift you up off the floor as they start pulling out various items like hats and sunglasses putting them on you and dancing around you.
You smile a little as they drag you out of your room and into the main room where they sit you down at the kitchen bench and pour you a drink handing it to you as you quickly down it.
They both sing pulling you back up to dance around the room with them as you smile a little.
They sit down on the couch with you and hold onto your hand singing to you.
They pull you up again and open the door letting in a fresh breeze as you take in a deep breath.
They keep singing to you as you close your eyes and try to not cry.
"But the sun is still in the sky and shining above you."
They continue to sing.
You fall into the couch and quietly sing.
"Try once more, like I did before. Sing a new song Chiquita." And the music stops as you sniffle a little.
"What did he do?"

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