Him - Part 2

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"You decided to just bring two criminals into the tower!?" Tony shouted as you whimpered a little and hid behind Bucky more.

"Steve, they're in danger and they need a lot of help. We can help them." Steve said as the doors opened out onto the main room.

"Who were they to Hydra?" Tony growled as Bucky glared at him.

"Winter soldier." Steve muttered as Tony's eyes widened.

"You mean the person that murdered my fucking parents!" He screamed as you backed away, a woman pointed a gun at Bucky as you looked at them in fear.

"Tony, I know this seems messy but we need to talk about all of this." Steve said in Bucky's defence.

"He's going into a fucking cell and then we will fucking talk. And who is she huh? Did she murder a sister I never knew I had?" Tony growled as he glared at you.

"Bucky, let's just put you into a cell until we figure all of this out." Steve muttered as Bucky looked at you behind him.

"I'm not going anywhere without her." He growled as you grabbed onto Bucky's hand tightly.

"Then she goes into a cell too." Tony growled as you shut your eyes and tried to block everything out.

"She's done nothing wrong Tony." Steve tried to defend you as you stepped forward and held onto Bucky's hand. You nodded to him as he looked down at you, Steve quickly handed you a notepad and pen.

'I'll go into a cell with Bucky, until you sort everything out. It's the safest place for me to be anyway.' You wrote down before handing it back to Steve.

"Alright, while you are both in a cell we can try to get some background info on Y/N. We'll figure this out, I promise." Steve said as you nodded.

"Take him into a cell, I can't look at any of you." Tony growled as Steve nodded and led you back into the elevator.

"You hurt her once and I will tear all of you limb from limb." Bucky growled at Steve as the doors closed.

"It's ok Buck, we won't hurt either of you. We'll make sure Hydra doesn't find either of you." Steve said as you hid behind Bucky. You waited for the elevator to reach the floor and followed Steve to the cells.

"We're going in the same cell." Bucky growled as his grip tightened on you.

"Yeah of course, I'll come back with some food. I just need to talk to Tony." Steve said as you both stepped into the glass cell and watched the door close behind you.

"I'll be back soon." Steve said before he left.

"I won't let anyone touch you ever again." Bucky muttered as you hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed your small body tight while running his hand through your hair. He pulled away and pulled you to sit next to him against the back glass. You leant your head on his shoulder as you closed your eyes.

"I wish you could talk doll, maybe I can get Steve to get a notepad or something. There's a lot I want to ask you." He whispered as you nuzzled into him.

"Maybe I can teach you sign language eventually." He said as you smiled.

"Get some rest doll, I'll be right here when you wake up." He whispered as you body relaxed, for once you felt safe.

You felt someone gently shake you awake as you looked up to see Bucky.

"Are you hungry doll?" He asked as you nodded a little. He handed you a sandwich that Steve must have left behind. Bucky handed you a small white board and pen as you smiled.

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