Avengers - Live before I die

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(This is a book series now! Go check it out on my page!)

You had been running for so long, your feet were bleeding and you skin cracked from the cold air. You finally made it to a city, you looked like a monster. Your skin pale/dull, your eyes sunken in and dried blood all over your body. To be fair, you were a monster. You were a vampire, and you were running from the vampire hunter known as Blade. He had killed your family, yes your family was horrible and kept you in a basement for your whole life but it was still terrifying. Blade had killed your only friend, he worked for your family and had taken care of you more than anyone. He was murdered in front of you.

"Hey, are you okay?" You heard a voice say as you looked up to see two men, one was blonde and the other had shoulder length brown hair.

"Please, you have to get me out of here. He'll find me." You whispered with tears in your eyes.

"It's okay we're going to help you. Should we call the police?" The brunette said to the blonde as you shook your head.

"N-No please, no police. T-They'll hurt me. I'm not human." You whispered as they nodded.

"That's okay. We'll take you somewhere safe. I'm Steve and this is Bucky. Can you tell us your name?" The blonde said as you slowly stood on your shaky feet.

"I'm Y/N." You muttered making them both smile.

"It's lovely to meet you. Come on, we'll get you out of the cold." Bucky said as you nodded and followed them. They could see you were limping and pretty slow.

"Are you okay?" Steve asked stopping as you lifted up your left foot to see it was bloodied.

"Jesus." Bucky muttered.

"I-I've been running bare foot all night." You whispered as Steve looked a you sadly.

"Here, hop on my back. I can carry you back." He said kneeling down a bit so you could position yourself properly on his back. He stood up straight with you securely on his back.

"T-Thank you." You muttered placing your hands around his neck.

You hadn't felt a warm body in so long, if ever for that fact. The only person to give you comfort was Arthur, your dead lover, but he was a vampire so his skin was cold.

You found yourself falling asleep on the blonde stranger, but you couldn't sleep. You had to stay awake incase these two men were going to kidnap you or hurt you.

"It's okay Y/N, we're almost there." Steve reassured you.

After walking for a few minutes the two men stopped at a giant tower.

"This is where you live?" You whispered in disbelief as they entered the building with you.

"Yeah. Do you know who the Avengers are?" Bucky asked as you thought for a moment.

"Sometimes Arthur would give me a newspaper to keep me updated, I saw the Avengers on there sometimes. Are you apart of them?" You asked as they headed into the elevator.

"Yeah we're apart of the team. If you're not human, what are you?" Bucky asked as you looked away from him.

"A monster." You whispered closing your eyes. Steve looked at Bucky with concern before the elevator doors opened. You looked up to see an infirmary of sorts.

"Is this a healers room?" You asked as Steve gently let you down.

"Well, yes but we call it an infirmary." Steve said guiding you to sit on one of the beds.

"Can you tell us where you're from?" Steve asked as you looked up at him.

"I-I don't know. I went through a portal and just kept running until I reached here. I know I was on Earth at least, I just don't know where." You explained as they nodded.

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