Avengers - Just an A.I

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(Ok so this idea comes from one of my old fan fics I found for Detroit become human and the idea was dope so I thought I would work it into a marvel one)

You had been with Tony Stark since you could remember, you were his first A.I he had ever built. Of course he upgraded you alone the way, you looked human in shape but your skin with synthetic and a blue colour. You were similar to Vision, although Vision was much more advanced then you. Some part of you was jealous of Vision, everyone saw him as part of the team. Saw him as more than just a piece of metal.

"Y/N!" You heard a voice say as you snapped back into reality seeing you had dropped the plates you were carrying, you looked up seeing it was Vision that had called your name.

"O-Oh, I apologise." You whispered quickly grabbed all the broken pieces up.

"Everything ok?" Vision asked helping you throw the broken plates away.

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry I was just lost in thought." You said before looking back up at him.

"Are you feeling alright Y/N?" He asked as you nodded and smiled.

"Of course Vision, whatever do you mean?" You asked as he looked at you sadly.

"You've been quite clumsy and forgetful lately. I'm afraid your systems may be failing." He said as you played with your hands mindlessly.

"T-Things have been a little off lately but I'm still walking and talking so I don't think it's a big deal." You muttered as Vision nodded and left you.

Maybe he was right, things had been slower for you lately. Usually you could get information faster than any human, but lately you felt even slower than humans.

"Y/N?" You heard a voice ask as you looked up to see Tony.

"Hello sir, I was just cleaning up and I accidentally dropped some plates." You said as he looked at you with worry.

"That was an hour ago Y/N." He said as your eyes widened, you looked around in fear.

(No joke this happened to me in high school, it was scary and crazy I legit had a glitch in my life. I gave this kid next to me an eraser at like 11am and a second later I looked down at my watch and it said 12:30, I asked him if I had just handed his an eraser and he said it was over an hour ago. So I look at my iPad and it says 11am still then like glitches out and goes to 12:30, I almost passed out I was so freaked out and no one would listen to me, it was like living a nightmare)

"O-Oh, I apologise. T-Time must have slipped away." You whispered walking off before Tony grabbed you.

"Why don't we go down to the lab and I can see what's wrong?" He asked as you nodded and smiled a little. Tony held onto your hand and led you into the elevator.

"Have I done something wrong sir?" You asked as Tony smiled at you.

"No Y/N, I just want to do a few tests on you. Just make sure everything is up to date." He said making you nod, he led you out of the elevator once the doors had opened. You followed him into his lab where he told you to sit down on one of the benches. You did as you were told and watched Tony fiddle with some things before he came over to you and hooked a cord into the back of your blue synthetic neck.

"How have your programs been lately? Everything running smoothly?" He asked bringing up files on his computer.

"T-Things have been a little slow, maybe I just need to be updated." You said as he nodded. You were lying, things had slowed down a lot, but you were afraid if you told Tony that, he would replace you.

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