Steve/Bucky - Change - Part 2

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(Adult themes again, and some abuse. We're bashing Steve again woops)

"How I've missed you." He whispered kissing your neck, you were frozen you didn't know how to react.

"W-What are you doing here?" You whispered staring wide eyed straight forward.

"Shield decided I was well enough to go out on my own. I know the first thing I needed to do was get my precious doll back." He whispered gripping your hip tightly. You turned around to face him.

"A-Are you back to normal? B-Back to the old Steve?" You whispered as he smiled and ran a finger over your cheek.

"The Steve you knew is dead, I'm much more powerful then he ever was. I can protect you now. I finally have you back." He said, you shook your head and tried to move away from him.

"Steve, I'm not yours anymore. Y-You need to leave, you can't be here." You said as his face fell.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me." He growled, you finally broke free and backed away from him.

"S-Steve, I'm with Bucky now. A-And we're happy. You need to get better still." You said as his eyes narrowed at you.

Shit, maybe you shouldn't have told him about Bucky.

"I leave for one year, and you cheat on me. With my best friend." He growled stalking closer to you as you backed away.

"Steve I didn't cheat, we weren't together. You hurt me!" You shouted at him, he came closer to you and grabbed your neck pinning you against the wall.

"I guess my doll needs more punishment then I realised." He growled lowly as you looked up at him.

"Please don't hurt me." You whispered as he smiled softly.

"You should've thought about that before disobeying me princess." He whispered back as you kneed him the crotch and ran inside.

"Jarvis! Code red! All Avengers!" You screamed before Steve grabbed you and held a cloth covered in chloroform over your mouth as you struggled but slowly fell unconscious.

"Just had to make me mad didn't you?"

Bucky woke up the next morning seeing you hadn't come to bed.

"Jarvis, where's Y/N?" Bucky asked sitting up in his and your bed.

"The last time she was in the tower was when she was on the roof. This is the last recording of her." Jarvis said before playing audio.

"Jarvis! Code red! All Avengers!" The audio played as Bucky's eyes widened.

"Why didn't we get that message!?" Bucky shouted standing up.

"Because someone canceled it." Jarvis replied.

"Who?" Bucky asked getting dressed as fast as he could.

"Mr. Steve Rogers." Jarvis replied as Bucky's eyes widened.


You woke up feeling cold metal beneath you. You opened your eyes seeing you were in a lab of some sorts.

"Good work Rogers." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Steve and...

"P-Pierce." You whispered.

"W-Where am I?" You muttered looking around, your eyes fell on a symbol. A Hydra symbol.

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