Bucky - Save me - Part 2

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"What do you mean?" Bruce asked as Tony signed.

"We checked out that mansion and found these two, Steve was keeping them there and hurting them." Clint said as the team looked at them in shock.

"How do we know they aren't lying?" Bruce asked.

"You didn't see Steve with them. He was a monster." Tony said as he sighed and poured himself a drink.

"Where is he?" Loki asked.

"Down in a cell." Clint muttered as you stuck close to Bucky.

"You still haven't answered the question, who are these two?" Loki asked as you shred away from his gaze.

"Y/N and Bucky." Nat said as they nodded at you.

"Sir, Steve is awake." A voice said as you looked around in confusion.

"It's my A.I don't worry he doesn't bite." Tony said as you smiled a little at him.

"Well, I guess we should go talk to Steve. Did you two walk to stay here?" Tony asked as you shook your head.

"I want to hear what he has to say." You said as he nodded.

"We need to see this too." Thor said as the rest of them stood up.

"To the cells!" Tony shouted as you chuckled and followed them all into the elevator. Bucky stuck close to you and kept a hold of your hand. You could see he was nervous as well. You all walked out to where Steve was sitting in the cell. He saw you and Bucky and smirked as you glared at him.

"None of you have any idea with what you're dealing with, I'm the only one who can handle that monster." Steve said as you looked away from him.

"We all know who the monster here is Steve." Bucky growled as he squeezed your hand.

"So it's true, you were just pretending this entire time?" Thor asked as Steve chuckled.

"Busted." He said as the team looked at him in shock.

"Steve, I thought we were friends. I trusted you." Nat said as Steve just smiled at her.

"Aww I'm sorry did I hurt your feelings?" He said as you glared at him.

"I can't handle this." Nat said before she walked out. Steve looked at you as you shrunk away from his gaze.

"You vicious little bitch." He growled as you stared at him. (Aye get it?)

"Fuck you." You growled back as he stood up and faced you.

"So brave with this wall between us, but if it were gone you'd be on your knees begging for my forgiveness." He hissed as Bucky stood in front of you.

"That's enough Steve." He growled as Steve smirked at him.

"And you hmm, my good little soldier." Steve said as Bucky glared at him.

"I wish to god they never gave you that serum, you were my best friend." Bucky hissed as Steve laughed.

"I was a weak little boy, that serum made me better, stronger. I just wish it would've worked on you more so you could clearly see why I do all of this." Steve growled as your eyes changed.

"I'm going to rip your fucking head off!" War screamed as she went to bash on the glass but Bucky stopped her.

"War, he isn't worth it." Bucky said as she shook him off.

"You hurt all of us you piece of shit. If I have the chance I will slit your fucking throat." War growled as Steve glared at her. War's eyes changed and this time it was someone who was never meant to take control. Molly, the child, the original. She burst out crying as Bucky quickly wrapped her up in his arms.

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