Bucky - Are you there?

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You dreamt about him every night. You remembered him so clearly.

Bucky. You knew you had known him back in the 30's, you remember loving him so much. But then he disappeared and so did your memories. All you knew is that you woke up in the middle of the road in New York yesterday. You knew you had to find Bucky. You roamed the streets looking around, everything was so different. The last thing you remembered was 1939. You made your way through the streets as everyone looked at you and whispered. Two little girls stopped you as you looked down at them.

"E-Excuse me Y/N, may we have a picture?" They asked as you looked at them in confusion.

"W-Why do you want a picture?" You muttered making the two girls chuckle.

"Because you're an Avenger!" One shouted as you backed away from them.

"I-I'm sorry I think you have the wrong person!" You shouted before running off.

You stopped to catch your breath, everyone still looking at you.

"Y/N! There you are." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see him, Bucky.

"Bucky." You whispered as your eyes widened. You ran as fast as you could and jumped into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Woah, easy doll." He said hugging you back.

"I-I found you! I didn't think I would ever find you." You said with tears in your eyes.

"Where have you been doll? We saw on the media you were wandering around by yourself, why did you leave the tower?" He asked as you furrowed your brows.

"T-The tower? I-I don't understand." You muttered as he looked at you with a puzzled look.

"Let's get you home ok?" He asked as you grabbed his arm before he walked off.

"A-Aren't you happy to see me? I-I haven't seen you since the 30s Buck, why aren't you more excited?" You said as his eyes widened.

"What?" You muttered, Bucky gently took your hand and led you out of the crowds.

"Come on doll, let's get you home." Bucky said pulling you along. He knew something was wrong but he needed to get you away from the city and back to the safety of the tower.

"B-Bucky, I'm scared." You said making your way back to the tower.

"I know doll, not long now." He said before you finally made it to the tower and Bucky quickly pulled you inside.

"Let's get you up to Bruce okay?" He said as you broke free of his grip and stepped back.

"I don't understand what's happening." You whispered making him smile softly. He held his hand out to you as you walked back to him.

"It's ok Y/N, you're safe I promise." He whispered as you nodded and took his hand again.

"We're just going to Bruce, he'll make sure you're okay. I'll be right here." He said as you stepped into the elevator with him. You hugged him again enjoying his warmth.

"It's ok doll, I'm here." He whispered wrapping his arms around you in return.

"I missed you so much." You whispered before the elevator doors opened. Bucky pulled you along with him into the infirmary of the tower as you were met with a short brunette man.

"Bucky, Y/N what brings you two here?" He said, Bucky gestured for you to take a seat on the bed as you looked at this Bruce man.

"Bruce can we talk outside? Y/N doll just stay here for me okay?" Bucky said kissing your forehead as you nodded and let the two men leave. You looked down at your hands and sighed, what was going on?

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