Tony - Without You

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(There's some lil easter eggs in here, points if you get them. I'll upload the easter eggs to its own chapter a little after I post this so you're not left wondering! So the teens and kids in this I rewrote their backstories so none of them are original or canon)

"I doubt it's going to work, the tech is really old." You heard a voice say.

"It's worth a shot, I mean if it knows where Stark is we could finally end this war. That's if the rumours are true and he's still alive." Another voice said as you opened your eyes.

"Shit! Get back guys we don't know what it'll do." Someone said as you sat up feeling yourself on a metal table. You looked down seeing you were in some sort of body suit, you moved your hands seeing they were fully white.

"W-What's going on?" You muttered looking around see young adults and teenagers standing around you.

"Ok don't panic Y/N, but it's the year 2067. We found you in one of Tony's old labs and rebooted you. Do you remember anything?" A short boy asked as you shook your head.

"J-Just small things. W-Who's Tony?" You asked slowly swinging your legs over the table so you could sit up properly.

"Dammit, if she doesn't even know who he is how will she know where he is?" One of the boys said as you looked at him curiously.

"Peter Parker." You muttered as they looked at you in shock.

"How do you know who he is?" A black hair woman questioned.

"I can know all of you just by your face and voice. Kate, Kamala, Cassie, Harley, Miles, Shuri, Thomas and William." You listed off the names as they looked at you in shock.

"Definitely not creepy." Peter muttered as the others looked at you curiously.

"Why did you reboot me, there must be a purpose?" You asked slowly standing up and finding your balance. You finally looked around seeing yourself in a run down very damaged lab of some sorts.

"Why was I created?" You muttered looking up to see Tony Stark in front of you smiling.

"I created you to help humanity, well mainly to help me. I felt I was starting to lose myself, seeing things that aren't there, hearing voices. So I threw myself into my work, and that's how I created you. To keep me sane I suppose." He replied looking at you with tired eyes.

You gasped and opened your eyes seeing yourself back in the lab.

"I-I had a memory." You whispered looking down at your hands.

"What was it?" Shuri asked as you sighed.

"I was asking Tony why he created me. He said he was going insane and needed something to keep him sane. He looked so lost and afraid." You whispered.

"We're trying to find Tony, he's the last Avenger left. Everyone says he's dead but we know he isn't. He's the only one that can stop all of this war. We need him." Peter informed you as you nodded.

"I-I don't know how much I can help. W-What's New York like now?" You muttered afraid of the answer.

"We'll show you." Thomas said while you followed them all up dark stairs to a bolted metal door which the teens pushed open. You stepped outside to see you were onto of a hill and saw giant futuristic buildings in the distance but damage and post apocalyptic settings surrounded the city. You looked closer and saw a large fence around the perimeter of the city.

"The rich stay fed, clean and taken care of, while everyone else rots away and starves." Cassie hissed bitterly. You had small memories of the city before all of this.

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