Sylvie/Loki - Puppet

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(I wasn't even going to post this cause its so messy but I thought oh well might as well just post it rather than it going to waste)

You'd been on the run from the TVA for so long, you'd lost count how many years it was. But being on the run was a dream boat compared to what you were living. Honestly you were thankful the TVA took you, so thankful your were a variant on the run. Instead of a tortured slave.

But lately you heard there was another variant looking for you, they wanted you because of your power. You had no idea what they would do to you if they found you.

You were in Pompeii, three days before the volcano erupted. You usually came here when you needed some quiet and some rest.

"I know you're here." You heard a woman's voice say as your eyes widened.

"Shit." You whispered hiding behind a house.

"That's a terrible hiding spot." A voice said as you looked in front of you to see a blonde haired woman. You screamed and ran off as she groaned.

"I at least expected a fight!" She shouted chasing after you.

"Fuck off space witch!" You shouted back grabbed a pot and throwing it at her.

"Oh for odin sake." She grumbled teleporting in front of you as you gasped.

"Look we can figure this out, you don't gotta kill me." You said making her chuckle.

"I'm not going to kill you idiot." She said reaching her hands up to the side of your face.

"Are we about to kiss?" You whispered as she glared at you.

"Shut up." She growled as he hands glowed green. She tried to enter your mind but suddenly she screamed and fell to her knees. You looked down at her in shock before realising.

"Oh shit, right." You muttered running off again.

"Fuck!" You heard her shout as you kept running, suddenly a pot broke over your head knocking you out.

"You're harder to deal with than I thought."

You groaned and woke up in an office of some sort as you looked around.

"Where in the balls am I?" You muttered seeing the blonde woman walk in.

"Oh hey, it's you." You said as she glared at you.

"Why can't I enter your mind?" She growled kneeling down to you.

"Probably because it's so fucked up in there." You replied making her groan in annoyance.

"I can control anyone." She growled holding her hands up again as you rolled your eyes.

"Go ahead." You said before she screamed and fell back again. She screamed in annoyance and stormed out. You were about to follow her when you saw your wrist hand cuffed to one of the filing cabinets.

"Son of a rabbit foot." You muttered.

"Oh shit I have powers." You muttered grabbing it with your other hand and shattering the metal cuff. You stood up and looked around. You heard an explosion and went out the door looking around to see all the lights were off.

"What in the bloody hell?" You muttered walking down the isles seeing the hooded blonde woman fighting a man with black hair.

She opened a time door and went through, you realised she had taken your tempad. Her time door was the only way out. You saw the TVA running towards the black haired man.

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