Avengers - Hungry

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(You is a vampire, ohhh spooky. Trigger warning, blood and violence)

You were in so much pain, you hadn't fed in a long time. Your master was punishing you again. You hated when he did this kind of thing.

"Look at my poor little pet, you must be starved." You heard a voice say as you looked up from the cell floor to see your master was above you. Your eyes glowed red and you tried to leap for him but the cold chain around your neck stopped you as you whimpered in pain.

"I brought you a meal dear." He said throwing in an unconscious man at your feet. You instantly ripped into his neck and began drinking his blood hungrily.
Your master chuckled watching you act like the animal he knew you were. You drank as much as you could from the human then leaned back and took deep breaths. You looked like a monster, eyes red, blood dripping from your lips and sharp teeth out.

"Calm down dear, you've had your lunch." Your master said as your eyes turned to normal and you wiped your mouth off on your shirt.

"Why did you make me do that?" You growled as he grabbed your chain and yanked you up out of the cell.

"Because you disobeyed." He replied as he pulled you along.

Your master, Zeke, had found you along time ago. He loved to collect monsters like you. He killed your family and friends and took you away from your home so he could keep you as a pet in his twisted lair outside of space and time. He would bring humans to you so you could feed, you never knew where he got the humans from. You hated killing them, but whenever you got hungry you would lose control and become the monster you truly were.

"I'm tired." You muttered as he pulled you along with him.

"You had plenty of time to sleep in your cell." He retorted as you growled at him only for him to yank your chain making your neck hurt.

"Don't give me attitude." He growled as you came into the throne room, of course a cunt like him had a throne room. What more did you expect?

"I have a lot of business to conduct, will you be a good beast and keep quiet?" He asked stepping up to his throne. You nodded, you knew you didn't want to be starved again. You sat on the floor beside his throne with him still gripping your chain in his hand.

"Can I lay down?" You whispered looking up at him as he nodded and let go of your chain. You curled up on the cold stone ground and closed your eyes. You were so exhausted your instantly fell asleep.

You woke up feeling yourself being carried as you looked up to see you master.

"W-What's going on?" You whispered.

"Shh little beast." He whispered as you rested your head on his chest. He brought you into his room and laid you on his bed as you cuddled into the warm sheets.

"You just looked so exhausted, I felt bad for you." He said as you looked up at him undressing to get ready for bed. You were glad he was in a good mood. You climbed under the covers before he stopped you.

"Ah ah, you need to be cleaned up. You're still covered in blood." He said pulling you up as you whined in response.

"Go take a bath then come back." He said as you nodded and he took off the chain around your neck. After a week in solitude you couldn't wait to be in a warm bath again. You practically ran into the beautifully big bathroom and began running the hot water into the large stone bathtub. You stripped off your dirty and blood stained clothes before stepping into the bath. It felt so good having the warm water touch your cold skin. You hummed in satisfaction and let the water fill up until you were partially submerged.

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