Steve - Better help Part 2

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(sorry if this is confusing I haven't been well lately)

You yawned as you stretched and woke up. It was nice to wake up in a comfy bed for once. You reached over and tried to get your pills but you couldn't fine them.

"These pills, this hand writing." You heard a voice say as you gasped.

"You're from Hydra." Bucky growled as you stood up.

"Can you fuck off out of my room." You growled back as you snatched the pills away from him. He grabbed you and threw you across the room as you gasped.

"Jarvis call the team here." He demanded as he glared at you.

"I won't let a monster like you ruin this team." He growled as you glared back at him.

"Fuck you!" You shouted as you jumped up and went to attack him but he grabbed your throat with his metal arm.

"Bucky stop!" You heard Steve yell as Bucky dropped you.

"Y/N what are these?" Tony asked as he looked at the pills and his eyes widened.

"Y/N! Do you have any idea how illegal these are!?" Tony shouted as you glared at Bucky.

"Leave me alone!" You screamed.

"She's from Hydra." Bucky growled as Tony grabbed you.

"Back in the cell." Tony said as you pushed Tony off you.

"Get away from me!" You shouted as Steve quickly grabbed you.

"Everyone calm down, I know she's from Hydra. It wasn't her choice." Steve said as he held you back.

"Not only us she carrying very illegal drugs but she has lied to us. She's going into a cell, at least until we figure all of this out." Tony said as you broke free from Steve and punched Tony.

"I fucking hate you!" You screamed before Bucky knocked you out. (I really just said knocky bucked you out)


You woke up and groaned as you looked around and saw yourself in a cell. You coughed into your hand and looked down to see blood. You didn't get a chance to take your pills.

"J-Jarvis, get S-Steve." You muttered out hoping the A.I would hear you.

"I'm sorry Miss Y/N but Mr. Rogers was called on an emergency mission with Natasha and Clint." He said as you paled.

"How did you end up in Hydra?" You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Bucky.

"They kidnapped me." You said as he chuckled dryly.

"You still work for them." He said as you glared at him.

"No I don't." You growled back.

"I know everything about you Y/N. They barely had to torture you, you were so eager to obey, one tiny cut and you were putty in their hands. You're pathetic and a traitor." He said as you screamed and slammed your hands against the glass.

"You're fucking lying!" You screamed as he laughed.

"Aww I'm sorry doll did I make you upset? You have no idea what Hydra is truly like." He said as you wiped away your tears.

"You know nothing about me." You growled as he smirked.

"I know that you're a pathetic whore that just wants a master." He said, you snapped as your eyes glowed and you screamed shattering the glass.

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