Stucky/Reader - Owned - Part 2

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You woke up in the morning to the sun shining in through the windows. You felt so warm, you opened your eyes to see Steve and Bucky cuddled close to you. Steve was behind you with his arm securely around your waist and Bucky was in front with his arm draped over your side. You hadn't had affection like this before, you hadn't had affection at all before this. You looked up at Bucky's sleeping face gently reaching up to touch his hair.

Bucky grumbled softly and opened his eyes as you quickly pulled your hand away from him. He looked down at you and smile hugging you tighter.

"Mornin' doll." Bucky muttered making you smile a little, he looked so cute when he had just woken up.

"I-I had a nightmare a-and came down here during the night." You stuttered looking away from him as kissed your forehead.

"It's ok doll, I don't mind one bit." Bucky said as you smiled and closed your eyes resting your head on his arm. You felt Steve tighten his grip on you as he grumbled.

"Wake up punk." Bucky said making you chuckle a little.

"No, so warm." Steve replied cuddling into your more. You'd never felt anything like this, completely safe and cared for.

"Just a few more minutes." Steve whispered kissing the back of your neck as you blushed a little.

"Don't mind him doll, he's grumpy and clingy when he wakes up." Bucky said looking down at you as you smiled.

"I don't mind, I feel really safe."

You had slept in a little bit with the two men, you and Bucky whispering and talking about various thing while Steve snored behind you.

You all decided to finally get up, you were about to have breakfast when you grabbed Steve's arm.

"M-Maste- Steve." You corrected yourself looking away from him.

"What is it?" Steve asked looking down at you.

"This may sound silly, b-but later could we maybe go outside. I haven't been out in the sun for a long time, and I want to go outside and see grass, trees and the sun." You stuttered out not meeting Steve's eyes as he smiled.

"Of course Y/N, we could even have a picnic if you'd like. We can spend the whole day out in the gardens." Steve replied as you looked up at him and smiled brightly.

"I would love that! I've never had a picnic!" You shouted happily making Steve chuckle lightly.

"Well, after breakfast you can help us set up a picnic basket and we'll go find a spot out in the gardens." Steve said as you nodded and sat down at the table.

"I think that's a great idea, we still have some left overs from the party Tony threw. Cakes, chocolates, sandwiches you name it. We can take all of that." Bucky replied smiling at you.

"What would you like for breakfast Y/N? I can make some pancakes if you'd like." Steve said as you nodded eagerly.

"Yes please! I've never tasted them." You replied making Bucky chuckle a little. He couldn't help but smile, he loved seeing you so happy and excited to try all these new things.

You reminded him of himself when he had first moved in with Steve.

"Come sit down doll. Let Steve do all the work." Bucky said patting the seat beside him as you chuckled and sat down with him.

"Do you want to talk about your nightmare? Or would you rather we distract you from it?" Bucky asked gently taking your hand.

"M-Maybe just distract me." You whispered as he smiled and nodded.

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