Avengers - Home, home and home again

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(Trigger warning, blood and death. This is messy and weird but helped me with a lot of emotions so woo!)

"Mother fucker." You groaned, your side hurt like a bitch.

"Hello little birdie." You heard a voice say as you opened your eyes to see a pale old man in front of you. Where the fuck was your team?

"Where the fuck am I?" You grumbled looking at the man.

"Cerberus my dear." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

"I beg your pardon?" You said making him chuckle.

"I believe in your universe we're called Hydra." He said as you looked down at his jacket seeing a picture of a three headed dog.

"Clever." You said sarcastically as he slapped you across the face.

"Bitch ass hoe." You growled at him as he laughed.

"Tony, why don't you come introduce yourself?" You heard him say as two guards dragged in a bruised and terrified man.

"T-Tony? What did you do to him!" You screamed trying to break free of the chains around your wrists and ankles.

"W-Wait, this isn't my reality." You whispered to yourself. The thing is you had studied the multiverse with Stephen extensively, none of these idiots knew that. Should you play along or ignore them completely. Play along, if you ignored them they might hurt the poor man. Yes, he wasn't your Tony but he was still a person.

"P-Please, I'll do anything for him. Just don't hurt him." You whispered making the evil 'Cerberus' man smile. You were even shocked at how good your acting skills were. This wasn't exactly your first run in with bad guys, hell you were raised by bad guys.

"That's more like it dear." He said as they held Tony tightly. Suddenly you heard a psychotic laugh, you looked around in confusion.

"Shit! She's here!" They shouted, the men looked so afraid, who was this woman? Was she here to save you or tear you apart? The lights went out as a red warning light flashed, you couldn't see anything just flashes of a woman slicing mens necks. Suddenly your chains broke off as you grabbed one of the chains as a weapon. The lights came back on as you saw a woman in front of you, she had a dress that look like it was straight out of wonderland on, a cat masquerade mask and she was covered in cuts and blood. She laughed and clapped her hands together still holding onto the knife.

"I found youuuu." She sung as you backed up against the wall.

"Alright there crazy, beep beep. Just stop there." You said holding your hands up.

"Aww birdie birdie is afraid of the big cat hehe." She said as you looked at her a questionable look. You weren't sure if you should be afraid or weirded out.

"Darling, did you do all the killing without me?" You heard another voice say as a tall white haired man stepped in covered in blood.

"I'm sorry daddy I was just really eager." She said you cringed, what the fuck was happening?

"Um, back up just a minute. Daddy? Please tell me you're her father or this just got really creepy." You said making the man laugh.

"She's very different from you darling, she's not very well trained is she." He said looking into your eyes.

"Ok one of you weird Alice in kink land fucks better tell me what's going on." You growled looking at both of them.

"Can I tell her daddy? Pleaseee." The small woman said as you rolled your eyes and shook your head. Shit was getting weird.

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