Loki - Spider

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(Trigger warning! Violence, torture and horror. Based from a nightmare of course, I woke up shaking and crying. I haven't been that scared in a long time. I can still feel her. I suggest being mature for this one, it has a lot of mature themes and messed up stuff)

Hung up by wire, body frozen in the air. The thin wire inside your skin and bones, it hurt beyond explanation. You were inside a golden room, beautiful murals were around the room as you wept and tried to keep breathing.

"Help!" You screamed and screamed.

"Help me!" You screamed again, you could hear someone running through the halls of what seemed to be a palace.

"Please help me!" You screamed as loud as you could before a man ran in front of you. He had shoulder length dark hair.

"My god." He whispered as you cried, you couldn't move. You knew if you moved it would hurt so much more.

"Hang on, I'll get you down." He whispered summoning a sword. He swung it above the wires you were hung up with as you came tumbling down to the ground. He quickly caught your head before it hit the floor.

"She's coming, she's coming, don't let her take me. Please." You cried out as he looked over your body.

"Shh it's okay, I need to get these wires out." He whispered as you nodded. He grabbed the wire in your upper arm and began pulling it out as you screamed in pain.

He continued until he reached the biggest out in the middle of your back.

"Take a deep breath." He whispered as you did as he said and took in a deep breath. He gripped it and pulled it out in one swift moment as you screamed in pain. You started crying as he picked you up gently.

"Tell me your name." He said as you looked up at him with tears in your eyes.

"Y/N." You muttered making him smile.

"I'm Loki, I'm going to take you somewhere safe okay?" He whispered as your eyes became heavy.

"She's coming." You whispered before passing out.

"Let's get you out of here." He whispered as he met up with his brother, Thor.

"Who's this?" Thor asked pointing to you.

"Her name is Y/N, I found her in a horrible state. We can take her back to the Avengers. They can help." He said as Thor nodded.

Loki and Thor were on a mission from the Avengers, there had been reports of a villain hiding between the nine realms. When they finally found the pocket dimension they just found an abandoned palace and of course you.

"We better get back, we don't know who could come back." Thor said making Loki nod. They opened up a portal back to the Avengers tower as Loki followed Thor through with you still in his arms.

"Hey, how was the mission?" Tony asked before looking down at you.

"And...who's that?" He asked as Loki gently placed you on the couch.

"This is Y/N. The place we went to was abandoned but I found her hung up by wires in her bones. She was screaming out for help. I had to pull the wires out of her body." Loki whispered brushing your hair away from your hair softly.

"Wow, that's intense. Are we sure she's not the villain?" Steve asked looking down at you. Suddenly you woke up shaking and trying to breath.

"She's coming, she's coming, she's coming. Don't let her take me!" You screamed as you looked around the room.

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