Bruce - Alone

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(Been a while since I've done a Bruce one, thought I'd add it in)

Fury was supposed to be coming by today. You felt so exhausted, you'd only been with the Avengers for a year now. It felt like you never got a break, you were always training, having meetings and going on missions. You didn't like the idea of Fury coming over today, he was a real ass and it often meant there was another mission. You prayed they wouldn't need you for it.

You all followed Fury to a meeting room as you all sat around the table. You sat beside Bruce, you'd noticed you two had been getting closer lately. You somehow found solace in each other. You both were uncontrollable. If it weren't for the cuff around your wrist this whole building would be decimated.

The meeting started and somehow you had zoned out when you heard Bruce start talking.

"You can't bring down the Hulk." He said as you looked around in confusion.

"We need to know how incase you ever lose control." Fury replied as you realised what they were talking about.

"He can't be brought down by us!" Bruce said slamming his hand on the desk making you jump.

"Trust me I've tried." He growled, you could see something brewing behind his eyes.

"One day, I was really low. I had nothing to live for, so I put a gun in my mouth and pulled the trigger..." He said as you looked at him in shock.

"The other guy spit it out." You growled lowly as everyone looked at him.

"Fine, we'll save it for a later date. I need everyone on this next mission, except Y/N and Bruce. This is too high profile and I don't need either of you losing control." Fury said as you cheered in your head. You knew you had to talk to Bruce after what he said. The team would just sweep it under the rug, but you needed Bruce to know he wasn't alone.

You all exited the meeting room watching everyone going to go gear up.

"Why don't we get out of their way?" You asked Bruce as he nodded and followed you into the elevator.

"I'm so glad we aren't going on the mission, I've been son exhausted." You whispered as Bruce chuckled. (Me trying to to imagine I'm somehow shorter than him. I'm 1.84 cm/6 foot help)

The doors opened to the roof as you both made your way outside.

"I-I wanted to talk to you, about what you said back there." You muttered looking out onto the city.

"It's okay Y/N, it was a long time ago. I'm over all of that now." He replied quietly as you looked at him beside you.

"Yes, but it still matters because it happened. You've had to deal with this all alone and you shouldn't have to face it all alone. If anyone understands, it's me. You're one of my best friends Bruce, I can't imagine what I would do without you." You whispered looking up at him as he smiled a little. Suddenly he wrapped his arms around you as you chuckled and hugged him in return.

"I've always just had me and Hulk, and we both know that the big guy can't be my therapist." He joked as you chuckled a little and relaxed into his hug.

"Us uncontrolled freaks gotta stick together." You said as you both pulled away and looked at each other.

"Thank you Y/N." He whispered making you smile.

"Do you want to go have a coffee somewhere?"

You and Bruce came back from the cafe you had visited to see the team had left.

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