Bucky - Him

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(Little similar to another one, but I had a nightmare and wanted to write about it. Trigger warning violence and sexual assault)

Your body shook from the cold temperature, you could feel something dried and stiff on your skin. Something smelt terrible. You heard a creak and a door opened in front of you. You scattered away in fear as a figure appeared.

"You look and smell disgusting." He growled as you looked up at him in fear. You went to speak but all that came out was a small cry.

"Pathetic. Mildred, clean her up then bring her to me. She's covered in her own filth." He said in disgust as a woman rushed in and grabbed your arm pulling you out of the room. You looked around to see yourself in very expensive surroundings. You were in what looked like a very modern penthouse, Mildred dragged you around the corner into a large bathroom where there was a tub against the window. Mildred ripped off your bloodied white dress and began filling the tub as you stood in the cold. You tried to speak again but nothing came out.

"Silly girl, did you forget?" She asked as she stood you in front of the mirror and pointed at your throat. There was a large scar across it.

"He made sure you couldn't talk a long time ago. I guess it's true, throwing you in there resets your memory." She said as she put soaps and salts into the bath and dragged you over.

"Get in." She grumbled as you nodded and slowly stepped into the tub. She began scrubbing at your bloodied, dirty skin as you watched her hands. You wanted to know who you were, who that man was, what your name was. You whined a little and nudged her as she looked at you.

"I don't know what you want child, Mr. Ray will tell you everything you need to know. All I do is clean you up and bring you back to him. Now sit still." She demanded as you frowned and let her clean your skin.

When she was finally done she dragged you out of the tub and dried you off before she dressed you into some underwear and a simple white dress. She grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the bathroom and downstairs into a living room where the man from before was cussing into his phone.

"Sit." She said as you obeyed and sat on the couch. You crossed your legs and patiently waited for the man to finish on the phone, once he was Mildred smiled to him.

"She is all cleaned Sir, I'll leave her with you." Mildred said before she left.

"I bet you have a lot of questions." He said as you nodded a little.

"Well dear, your name is Y/N. And I'm your owner, so you do as I say. Do you understand?" He asked as you bit the inside of your lip in thought. He suddenly gripped your face roughly as you looked up at him.

"Answer faster little deer." He growled as you whimpered a little and nodded.

"That's better." He said releasing your face before he sat beside you.

"You did something very bad little one, that's why you were in that dark room. I like to put you in there to reset your memory." He said as he ran his hand over your face.

"You're lucky that's all I did. I have a very special guest coming here today. They call him the Winter Soldier, he's one of Hydra's best assassins." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

"Ah, of course. You have no idea what Hydra is. It's the organisation I work for, they rescued you a long time ago and put you in my care. You're very powerful little deer, your memory of these things will slowly return." He explained as you nodded. Not much of it made sense though, what was your purpose here? You needed some fresh air, you stood up but he quickly grabbed your wrist. You pointed to the balcony as he smiled and pulled you out into the fresh air. You tried to speak again but ended up tearing up from frustration.

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