Hela/Avengers - Mask

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(I'm gonna change up this hela one. Trigger warning, torture and sexual assault. The mouth guard is like the one Bucky wore.)

You curled in on yourself and wrapped your arms around your shivering body. It was so cold in your dark cell, you had a dirty white dress on and a mouth guard. That was all. Nothing to protect you from the cold or any other things they would force onto you.

"Get the fuck up! You've been sold you stupid whore." One of the guards said as he grabbed you and dragged you out of your cell. You struggled against his gripped and cried as he threw you against the wall.

"I suppose I could break you in before you're sold." He said as you tried to scream but nothing would work. You shut your eyes and escaped to your safe place.

"Welcome home darling." A voice said as you looked up to see a tall brunette haired man. You stood in a vila along the along the ocean, brown walls and brown floor with sea shells on the walls.

"Leo." You whispered as he smiled. Soft classical music began to play as a suit appeared on him and a red dress on you.

"Shall we dance?" He asked holding a hand out to you. You gently took it as he placed his hand on your waist and began gently swaying to the music.

"Stupid whore, you probably like this don't you."

Your breathing picked up as you began to panic, Leo gently placed his hand on your cheek.

"Shh love, don't focus on what's out there. Just focus on me and the music. Nothing else matters." He whispered as you leant in and rested your head on his chest and swayed with him.

"Let the rain fall and the birds dance, let the grass grow and the thunder roar." He whispered, this had been a safe sentence you had made up. Something you would say to yourself when you needed to calm down and bring yourself back to your safe place.

"It'll be over before you know it." Leo reassured you as you smiled.

"You'll be here to help me?" You asked as he nodded and kissed your forehead.

"I'll always be here."

"Get down on the ground!" You were pulled from your safe place to feel yourself been thrown to the ground.

"Don't fucking interrupt what I was doing!" Your attacker shouted as he pulled out a gun, suddenly he was shot in the head as your eyes widened and you scurried away from him.

And there she was, your saviour. Long dark hair and a green suit that hugged her body.

"Oh dear, look at you." She whispered as she knelt down to you.

"My name is Hela, I'm going to get you out of this horrible place. They aren't ever going to hurt you again." She said as you looked at her in surprise. Was this a trick? She went to reach forward as you jumped away and cried out.

"It's alright! I'm not going to hurt you. I need you to follow me so I can get you somewhere safe." She said as you nodded and stood up slowly. You stuck close to her as she led you out of the dark place and into the light.

"I'm with a team, they will be able to help you." She muttered, you followed her out to see a jet.

"One step at a time." She whispered as she held her hand out to your, you took it and let her lead you into the jet.

"Hela, who's this?" A voice asked as you flinched and gripped onto the woman.

"I was doing a check like you said, and I found a man their a-abusing her sexually so I killed him and took her with me." She explained, the blonde man nodded and smiled at you.

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