Avengers - Agent 87

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(Here's the first chapter of one of my books, just to give you guys a taste. Go check it out if you like it! It's called Agent 87)

You had worked with the Avengers for years now. You weren't a fighter but if the fight ever came to you, you could handle yourself just fine. You started out just working for Tony, you two grew close over the years and then he entrusted you with the Avengers. I guess you were kind of a manager for them. But there was something about you they never knew, something they could never know.

"Y/N!" You heard a voice shout as you looked up from your laptop and saw Peter running in with a bunch of papers.

"What's up kid?" You asked as he slammed down a bunch of papers.

"I need you to help me right a letter to MJ! I'm hopeless at this!" He shouted as you picked up one of the letters.

"Dear MJ, you're cool. So yeah, love ya." You read out loud as you looked up at Peter.

"Love ya? Really dude?" You asked as he sat down and rested his head on the table and groaned.

"It's ok Pete, I can help." You said as you stood up.

"Come on follow me." You said as he followed behind you into the elevator.

"I have a bunch of fancy letter stuff left over from when Tony had that ball." You said as his face lit up.

"Perfect!" He shouted as you chuckled and made your way out of the elevator and to your room. You pulled out a giant box of stationary and grabbed out everything to write the perfect letter and of course make it look beautiful.

"I still sometimes send Steve and Bucky letters when one of them is down, I know how old fashioned they are." You said as Peter picked up a letter address to Tony.

"What's this one for?" He asked as you quickly grabbed it away from him.

"I-It's, um it's a letter to Tony incase anything ever happens to me." You muttered as Peter looked at you sadly.

"Like what to do if you die?" He asked as you smiled softly.

"Something like that. Anyway this is about you, now making the letter look good is easy, it's what's inside the letter that matters." You said as you handed him a pen and paper.

"Just let everything out, how you truly feel about her, how she makes you feel, how much you would miss her if she ever left, the pain you feel when she isn't around, how beautiful she is." You said as your thoughts drifted a little.

"Ok I think I can do that." Peter said as you shook yourself out of your thoughts and smiled.

"Take your time and don't put so much pressure on yourself." You said as you handed him a few other things to make the letter prettier. He ran off to his room as you chuckled and put the box of stationary away. You looked at the letter in your hand as you side and placed it at the bottom of the box.

"Miss L/N Bucky would like you in his room." Friday said as you left your room and went down the hall to Bucky's as you softly knocked on it.

"Come in." You heard Bucky say inside as you opened the door and saw him in front of a mirror trying to brush through his matted hair.

"I'm trying so hard but I can't get these damn knots out!" He said in frustration as you chuckled.

"Sit down Bucky." You said as he sat on a chair in front of the mirror.

"I just washed it, but it made it worse." He said.

"Did you condition it?" You asked as he groaned.

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