Peter - Truth or Dare

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"Hey Pete what's up?" You asked on your phone, you were on your way to work.

"Well, the team is having a little game night and drinks tonight. And I was wondering if you wanted to come and meet everyone?" He asked as you bit your lip, thinking. You and Peter had been friends since middle school, you loved him so much, you were in love with him. You could never admit it to yourself or him.

"Wow, meeting gall the Avengers. Man I better wear something revealing. I'm kidding. But yes I would love to Peter." You said smiling a little. If you were being honest you were very nervous, I mean this was a big deal. You were just you, they were all superheroes. You were just a human, why would Peter even consider you.

"No, stop thinking like that." You muttered.

"What?" Peter asked as you blushed in embarrassment.

"S-Sorry, just talking to myself. You want me to meet you at your place?" You asked.

"Yeah, come around at 5ish. I'll let you get to work Y/N. See you then!" Peter said before he hung up and you walked into the bookstore where you worked.

"See you next week Kay!" You shouted as you ran out of work, it was 4:30pm and you needed to get ready. You ran back to your apartment and wick got dressed into something casual but nice. You put on some simple make up, grabbed your purse and ran out of your apartment quickly texting Peter that you were on the way. You were so nervous, you were going to meet Ironman for god sakes! You ran up to Peter's apartment and knocked on the door. He opened it and smiled as you caught your breath.

"You ok?" He asked as you chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm nervous so I ran all the way here. Makes no sense now that I say it out loud." You said making Peter chuckle.

"You're such a weirdo, come on let's go. Bye May!" Peter shouted before grabbed your hand and dragging you down the stairs making you blush lightly.

"They're gonna love you!" He shouted as you chuckled and began walking down the street with him.

"Subway or bus?" He muttered as he tapped his chin in thought.

"Bus please, I can't deal with another dancing crackhead." You said making him chuckled. You waited for the bus and sat together as you tapped your foot nervously. You felt Peter grabbed your hand as you looked over to see him smiling softly.

"You'll be ok Y/N, I'll be with you the entire night." He said as you smiled a little and nodded.

"Thank Pete."

You finally arrived at the tower, you stepped into the elevator with Peter as you took in a deep breath. You arrived to the main floor as you stepped out to see the Avengers around drinking and talking.

"Kid! There you are!" Tony shouted as he came over to you.

"Woah, who's your friend?" He asked as he flashed you a charming smile making you chuckled.

"Mr. Stark she's 18." Peter muttered.

"And?" Tony said as you chuckled more.

"I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you Mr. Stark." You said holding out your hand. He shook it and smiled.

"Please, you can just call me Tony. Come on, I'll introduce you to everyone." He said as you nodded and followed him further into the tower.

Tony introduced you to everyone, your hands were clamming up but you ignored it. Everyone was really nice to you, and it was amazing to meet the city's heroes. You grabbed a drink and all sat around on the lounge, you sat next to Peter and Steve as they all talked.

"How about truth or dare?" Tony said as they all groaned making you chuckle.

"Tony the last time we played truth or dare I found out Bucky killed the president, Clint has a third nipple and Tony ended up completely naked." Nat said as you laughed almost choking on your drink.

"Y/N, what happens in the tower stays in the tower." Tony said pointing at you as you drew a cross over your heart with your finger.

"You have my word." You said as he chuckled lightly.

"Ok fine, let's do truth or dare. And since Y/N is our new guest, she shall go first. Truth or dare." Clint asked as you took a sip of your drink.

"Truth, let's not go to crazy just yet." You replied.

"Out of everyone here, who would you fuck?" Clint said as you joked on your drink a little.

"Mr. Barton!" Peter scolded as you chuckled.

"U-Um, I'm gonna make everything awkward but Peter." You said as he looked at you in shock.

"Ok! My turn to ask!" You shouted as Peter chuckled awkwardly.

"Steve, truth or dare." You said as he thought for a bit.

"Dare." He said as you tapped your chin in thought.

"I dare you to kiss Bucky." You said as everyone looked at you in shock.

"And here I thought you were a nice reserved girl Y/N." Bucky said as you smirked.

"Is that a little excitement I see Barnes?" You said as everyone cheered them on making you laugh. Steve chuckled and leaned over placing a quick kiss on Bucky's lips as you all cheered.

"I think I saw a little tongue in there!" Clint shouted as you all laughed.

The game continued on and it finally came to Peter. You were all a bit tipsy by this time.

"Dare!" Peter shouted as Tony smirked.

"Make out with Y/N!" Tony shouted as you blushed and looked back at Peter.

"A dare's a dare." He said as he leant forward. Wait, was he actually going to do this? You leant forward slowly and finally met his lips, you had been waiting so long for this moment. He gently placed his hand on your neck and pulled you even closer as you both made out.

You pulled away and looked at him as you both stared into each others eyes.

"Damn!" Tony shouted as you chuckled in embarrassment.

"Peter it's your turn." You said as he stuttered and finally looked away from you.

"O-Oh right. U-Um, Bucky truth or dare?"

Tony invited you and Peter to stay over, it had reached 3am by the time you all stopped playing games. Nat leant you some of her pj's, you and Peter were up on the roof looking out onto the city.

"S-So, um that kiss was really something huh?" Peter muttered as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I-It was definitely something. I've never had a kiss like that." You whispered as you looked at him to see he was staring at you again. His eyes darted to your lips as you gently leant forward and joined your lips again. You sighed in content as his hand rested on your waist. You rested your hands on his chest as you deepened the kiss. You pulled away softly and looked up at him.

"P-Peter." You muttered softly.

"I love you Y/N." He whispered as you smiled and kissed him softly.

"I love you too Peter." You whispered back as he chuckled.

"Come on, let's get to bed." He said as he gently grabbed your hand and led you back inside.

You both curled up together on the queen bed, in one of the spare rooms. Peter's arms around you as you relaxed and closed your eyes.

"Goodnight Peter."

"Goodnight Y/N." 

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