Avengers - Forgotten

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(Yes! Finally another update!)

Your head hurt, your body ached. You opened your eyes and looked around as you rubbed your head. You looked around and saw yourself in a glass prison of some sorts. You had no memory of where you were, what happened, or who you were.

"H-Hello?" You muttered, your mouth felt weird. You reached up and felt a metal plate over a quarter of your mouth. You caught your reflection and saw a patch over your right eye.

"Hope you're ready for some questioning." You heard a voice say as you jolted and looked over to see two men and a woman staring at you.

"W-Where am I?" You muttered as you looked at them in fear. The doors opened and the two men came to grab you as you coward away.

"P-Please, please don't hurt me." You said as you stood up and pressed yourself against the glass.

"Are you pulling my leg or something?" Tony asked as you shook your head.

"N-No sir, not at all." You said as they looked at you in confusion.

"Just follow us." Steve said as you nodded and followed them out.

"Aren't you scared she'll use her power?" Nat asked as Tony showed her a cuff on your wrist.

"Stops her power." He said as Nat nodded and you followed them into a small room.

"Where are we?" You asked as they forced you to sit down on a chair in front of a table.

"In an interrogation room." Steve said as you looked away from them.

"I-I mean, where am I? W-What is this place?" You asked as they looked at you in confusion.

"The Avengers Tower, don't you remember?" Nat asked as you shook your head.

"N-No." You muttered as Tony chuckled.

"Yeah I don't buy any of this. Who are you working for Y/N?" Tony said as you looked up at him.

"Y/N." You muttered as you looked down at your hands.

"T-That's my name?" You asked as Tony groaned.

"It's not even funny, just stop it." Tony said as you looked away from them.

"I'm sorry, I really don't remember anything." You said in a small voice as Tony scoffed.

"Why don't we get Bruce to look at her, just in case she was hurt during the battle?" Steve said as Nat nodded and Tony groaned.

"It won't hurt anyone." Nat said as Tony nodded and grabbed you and dragged you out of the room. Suddenly an imagine flashed through your mind.

A woman stood above you with blood on her. Your blood. You were panting heavily and everything hurt.

"I think we can both agree she won't disobey again." A man said as you looked behind the woman to see him smirking at you.

"Ready to comply?" He asked as my body shook.

"Yes sir."

You threw Tony off you and backed away from them as you shook my head.

"Get away from me!" You shouted as you began to hyperventilate.

"I'll comply, I'll comply!" You shouted over and over as Steve looked at you in shock.

"Well, I think we know who she works for." Nat muttered as you cried and looked at them in fear.

"Y/N, it's ok. We aren't going to hurt you. We're just going to take you to see our doctor." Steve said as he carefully made his way towards you.

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