Loki - Dead Alive

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Five people came to a clearing in a forest, they all looked exhausted and bloodied.

"Ok, we should be safe here. We can set up camp here for the night." One said as you nodded.

"Maybe we can finally rest." One of the woman said as they began building a fire.

"The Asgardian's don't come out this far into the forest." You noted finally sitting down. The war in Asgard had been going on for so long, your families had been murdered a long time ago. It was just the five of you that remained. Your three best friends, Alana, Kara and Leo, and your lover Artemis. (Can be any gender)

You were all exhausted from fighting, ready to rest for a few days before your journey to the Bi-frost where you would find somewhere safe to go too.

You al settled in for the night, agreeing you would take shifts on watching your small camp.

You awoke later in the night to Artemis shaking you awake.

"Guys, get up I hear something." He said as you all grabbed your weapons and were on high alert.

"Seems we have some rebels that have run away from the pack." You heard a voice say as you looked up to see the Alfather, three guards and his two children.

"F-Father, I don't think this is a good idea. They aren't doing anything wrong." You heard Loki whispered as the Alfather laughed.

"This is the perfect time of teaching my sons." The Alfather spoke before he gestured to the guards. You all leapt into action fighting more than you had ever fought before.

Soon your friends began to fall. You saw them kill Kara as you screamed, you were distracted for two seconds before you felt a sword go through you as you screamed in pain.

"Y/N!" Artemis screamed, you fell to the floor and watched them kill everyone. Artemis fell beside you as tears streamed down your face.

"I love you." He whispered before you watched his life drain from his life.

"And that's how easy it in children, Loki. Finish her off." Odin said handing his son a sword. Loki came over to you and stood above you with the sword as you cried.

He whispered something to himself as his hands glowed green.

"Forgive me." He whispered before plunging the sword into your chest.

Everything felt cold, and stiff. You couldn't breath, you could feel cold dirt around you.

You couldn't breath. You thrashed around and dug and dug until you felt cold air on your hand. You reached out of the ground and pulled yourself out of the dirt and nature you were buried under.

"A-Artemis." You whispered in your hoarse voice looking around for your friends. The last thing you remembered was going to the clearing, but this didn't look like the clearing. It was over grown. You saw something white poking out of the ground next to you as you dug around it.

"N-No." You whispered seeing it was a bone.

"No! No!" You screamed digging faster and faster. You found the skeleton of a hand with a single ring on it. Artemis' ring.

"No." You sobbed out pulling the ring off and holding onto it sobbing. You crawled around digging seeing the bones of your friends as you screamed and screamed.

"Why!" You screamed standing up, you threw your fist into a tree sending it flying across the forest. You gasped and looked down at your hands in shock.

"W-What's happening?" You whispered before hearing a noise. You look behind seeing Asgardian guards.

"No! Get away!" You screamed as you began running.

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