Dead Alive - Part 2

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"Why don't we have some lunch?" Loki asked as you kept your head down and nodded. You followed him down the halls till you reached the dining room. You followed him inside and sat down across from him.

"I truly am sorry Y/N, if there's anything I can ever do to help just let me know." Loki said as you looked up to his eyes and nodded.

"W-Well, you're letting me stay here and keeping me safe. So I suppose there's not much else." You whispered playing with the emerald ring on your finger.

"That's a lovely ring." He commented as you looked down at it and smiled.

"It was Artemis'." You whispered, he smiled at you sadly.

"Were you two lovers?" He asked as you nodded and looked back up at him.

"Yes, for a very long time. I gave him this ring, it was supposed to tie us together for eternity. I-I found it on his corpse." You whispered beginning to tear up.

"I can imagine you miss him dearly. I have an idea. What if we had ceremony for your friends? Guards could retrieve their remains and we could perform a ceremony. A ship burial." He suggested as you looked at him in shock.

"I-I would really like that. T-They could get a proper goodbye." You whispered as he smiled at you.

"I shall arrange it after lunch, I just want you to know you aren't alone in this Y/N. I hope you can find a friend in me." He said as food was brought out by the servants as you eyes widened at all the royal foods.

"Wow, the last time I ate it was a poor cooked dead rabbit." You said making Loki chuckle a little.

"Well, have as much as you want dear." Loki said as you looked at all the delicious foods.

"Y-You've been so kind to me." You whispered grabbing a few things to put on your plate.

"It's the least I can do."

Loki had arranged the guards to retrieve your friends remains, you had also arranged the ceremony which would be held tonight. Where you could finally say a proper goodbye. You sat in your room as you looked down at Arthur's ring.

"I'm sorry it's taken so long for you to finally get a goodbye." You whispered kissing the ring softly. You heard a knock at the door.

"Come in." You called out as you saw Loki entering.

"I brought a dress for you to wear at the ceremony." He said holding up a beautiful viridian coloured mermaid dress.

"L-Loki, it's beautiful." You whispered standing up and walking over to him.

"Are you sure I can wear it?" You asked as he smiled.

"Of course Y/N." He said handing you the delicate dress. You felt the smooth silk fabric with your hands as you looked at it in shock.

"Your mouth is hanging open dear." Loki joked as you chuckled a little.

"S-Sorry, I'm just not used to wearing something so luxurious." You said as he smiled more at you.

"Why don't you get change? I'll wait outside your door." He replied before leaving your room. You looked down at the dress and smiled softly.

You finally managed to get into the dress after some struggle. You did you hair up into a bun before grabbing some nice shoes out of your closet.

You opened the door to the hallway to see Loki waiting for you. His eyes widened as he looked at the beautiful dress on your figure.

"W-Wow, Y/N. You look beautiful." He muttered making you blush slightly.

"T-Thank you Loki, it's been a very long time since I've worn a dress." You chuckled lightly as he smiled and held a hand out to you. You gently took his hand and let him lead you through the halls of the castle.
You finally made it to the bottom of the castle where the water was. There were candles and lanterns everywhere. There was a wooden boat with gold and flowers, and your friends remains. You slowly walked over and took of your lovers ring gently placing it on a flower inside the boat.

"You can rest now." You whispered before stepping back and letting the guards push the boat out onto the water. You stood beside Loki as you watched the boat, tears began streaming down your face as the guards readied their flaming arrows.

"Goodbye." You whispered as they shot the arrows into the boat lighting it on fire. You felt Loki gently take your hand as you cried watching the boat slowly fade away.

"They can rest now." Loki whispered to you as you turned to him and hugged him tightly letting your tears flow freely. Loki wrapped his arms around you and held you as you sobbed.

"It's ok Y/N. They're at peace now."

You had stayed hugging Loki and crying for some time before you finally pulled away and wiped your tears from your face.

"Why don't we go have some dinner?" Loki asked as you smiled softly and nodded. You still held onto Loki's hand as you made your way back into the castle.

You, Loki and a few of his friends sat down and all had dinner. You all talked and laughed together, you needed to be around people after saying goodbye.

"I raise a glass to Y/N." Loki said holding his glass up as everyone followed suit.

"To Y/N!"

(Short but sweet)

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