Bucky - The Thread That Binds Us

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(What's that Nova? Another nightmare!? How could that be!? Anyway trigger warning obviously cause it's my nightmare, lil similar to another one but still)



"That's it dear, wakey wakey."

Bucky shot up from his sleeping position, he looked around seeing it was nighttime and he was in long grass. He looked up to see a large mansion that he was outside of.

"Where am I?" He whispered slowly standing up. He looked up to the sky seeing at least five different sized moons.

"What is this place?" He whispered, something was drawing him inside of the mansion. He looked down from the sky and saw a glass door leading inside of the mansion. He slowly walked up and turned the handle opening the door and walking inside. All of the lights were gone, there were just a few candles around the place. Bucky grabbed a candle and began walking down the hallways.

"Bucky." A voice whispered behind him as he quickly turned around to see nothing there. Something drew him forward as he followed the hallway until he was met with a large golden door. He placed the candle down and opened the door with force, he looked inside to see something beautiful.

Inside was a large blue and grey ballroom, he looked up to see a stage of some sorts. Hanging from the roof was a figure, he didn't know if it was a statue or not. He walked forward and inspected it further to see a beautiful woman with long/short hair, E/C eyes and delicate (skin colour) skin. She had beautiful blue angel wings sprouting from her back, she had shining white thread tied around her body. Her back was arched and her hands behind her head like she was stretching, but frozen in time. Bucky inspected her closer to see black/white lines up her face that crossed over each other creating diamond shapes. It looked like something had infected her veins.

Suddenly she gasped to life and turned her head to Bucky.

"Save me." She whispered before everything turned black.

Bucky gasped and shot up in his bed as he looked around seeing he was in his room at the Avengers tower. Steve rushed into his room.

"Bucky." He said rushing to his side.

"S-Sorry, I was having a nightmare." He stuttered out as the image of that woman flashed through his mind.

"Was it about Hydra?" Steve asked as Bucky shook his head.

"No...it was about a girl." He whispered looking down at his hands.

"Oh?" Steve questioned softly.

"I was in this weird mansion, I went inside and found this girl with wings hanging from the roof by thread. Like a puppet, she had this black/white stuff all over her face. Suddenly she woke up and said 'save me' then I woke up." He explained to his best friend as Steve looked at him in confusion.

"That's not like anything you've dreamt about before. Do you think it means something?" Steve asked as Bucky threw his bed sheets off and swung his legs over the bed.

"I don't know, I just felt such a connection with her. Like she needed my help." Bucky whispered helplessly.

"I'm sure it was just a nightmare Buck. If it continues we can ask Bruce or Strange." Steve said as Bucky nodded.

"Yeah, you're right."

Bucky couldn't stop thinking about his nightmare all day. Maybe that was normal, nightmares usually stuck around all day. But something new was happening, he was having visions. He kept seeing that woman and he turning her face to look at him.

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