Loki - Fear

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(This ones odd, who am I kidding all of them are. You're called Zira in this)

It was quiet and dark. You were afraid and cold. Where were you? Who were you? Suddenly light streamed in and you squinted your eyes, you saw a large terrifying man in front of you standing at the doors, and he was purple? You scattered away from him as he smiled kindly.

"Don't be afraid dear, you won't be hurt." He said as you looked up at him in fear.

"W-Where am I?" You whispered as he reached a hand out to you.

"Come dear." He said as you slowly reached out and he helped you stand.

"We had to erase your memories, so I suppose you have no idea how powerful you are." He said as you kept your head down.

"Gamora, Nebula. I would like you to meet Zira." He said as you were faced with two women, one green and the other blue. (Zira is the name he called you cause he erased your memory)

"Are you finally replacing Nebula completely." The green one growled as the other pushed her.

"Enough! I want you both to show her around the ship and her quarters, after then bring her to me for training." He growled before leaving.

"I-It's nice to meet you." You muttered as they glared at you.

"Don't be thinking you're going to be better then us." Gamora growled as you nodded.

"Of course not." You said as she grumbled and grabbed you pulling you down the hall.

Time skip

You had been shown around and shown your quarters. Now they were taking you back to that man. He said they erased your memory, so you had a life before this?

"Ah just in time." A voice snapped you out of your thoughts as you looked up to see the purple man on a throne of some sorts.

"Gamora, Nebula leave us." He said as the two girls left you alone with him.

"I had a life before this, who was I?" You asked as he chuckled.

"That's in the past, you have a life here now." He said as you looked away from him.

"No! Tell me who I was! I deserve to know!" You shouted.

"Enough! Don't yell at me child. I've given you a place to sleep and a family. You should be more grateful." He growled as you glared at him.

"I won't be apart of it until you tell me." You growled as he stood up and walked down to you.

"You're not the one who orders me around. Apologise or I'll give you a punishment you'll never forget." He said as you sighed and looked away from him.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm just a-afraid." You whispered as he ran his finger over your cheek.

"I wish my other two were as obedient as you." He said, you kept your face away from him as he gently made you look up at him.

"It's time to start training."

Time skip

It had been a long time since that first day. Gamora and Nebula had managed to escape. It was just you now, not that you minded. You hated the both of them with a passion. But some days you envied them, that they were able to escape. You sat in your room with your knees to your chest, your life had been fighting, death, obeying. You wanted it to end. Suddenly you were thrown from your bed and into the wall as something hit the ship.

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