Avengers - The Soldier

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(Trigger warning, abuse and violence. Bucky ain't good in this one)

"Angel, wake up." You heard a voice say as you opened your eyes to see Mr. Ray above you smiling.
He was one of the higher agents in Hydra, you were his favourite. Well, you belonged to him and he was the reason you were alive. He practically created you. Between your artificial right leg and left arm you felt like most of you was created by him. You heard a groan and looked over to see your cell mate The Winter Soldier waking up. He hated you so much, I suppose it was because Ray always treated you well yet he treated the soldier like a dog.
Ray never wanted the responsibility of taking care of soldier but he was stuck with him.

"Stay here dear, I'll go get you some breakfast." Ray said smiling before he left and locked the door again.

"D-Did you sleep well soldier?" You muttered as he glared at you.

"Stop playing nice. Fucking slut." He growled as you looked away sadly and curled back up onto your tiny uncomfortable bed.

"I'm sorry." You muttered facing your back towards him.
After a few minutes Ray came back with two bowls of warm porridge. He dropped the soldiers beside him without saying a word then came over to you and sat on your bed.

"Have some breakfast dear." He said as you slowly sat up and took the bowl from him beginning to eat.

"That's a good girl." He praised you playing with your hair a little as you ate.
You could see Soldier glaring at you as he ate. You never wanted him to be treated like less, you had nothing against him and never meant to hurt him. But he didn't see it that way.

"What's this bruise?" Ray asked running his hand over your bruised cheek as you panicked.

"It's nothing sir. J-Just from training." You tried to lie as he looked over at soldier and glared at him.

"Did he do this to you?" He growled turning back to you. You didn't want the soldier to be punished because of you.

"I-It was an accident, he had a bad dream and I tried to help him." You tried to bargain with Ray as he growled and looked at the soldier.

"Guards! Get in here!" Ray shouted making you flinch. Guards came in and grabbed soldier as you looked at him with worry.

"S-Sir please, you don't need to hurt him. I-It was an accident." You said grabbing Ray's hand as he turned to you and held your face gently.

"Shh angel, you don't need to worry about it. Finish your breakfast and I'll be back later." He said looking into your eyes as you gulped but nodded.

"Good. Alright, take him to the torture room. Seems he needs to learn a few more lessons and see what happens when someone touches my pet." Ray growled as the guards dragged him out of the cell.
You felt so guilty, but more than that you were terrified. Soldier would be so angry with you and you knew Ray was leaving soon for a few weeks. That's when the soldier would get his pay back on you.
You finished your breakfast and then curled up on your bed waiting for Ray to come back.
After an hour the door opened and the guards threw the soldier back in. He was shaking and covered in blood as you sat up and gasped.
You slowly made your way towards him.

"I can help you soldier." You whispered before he stood up and threw you against the wall.

"Leave me alone! You're the reason I'm in pain! You're the reason I'm here in this fucking hell!" He screamed as you fell to the floor winded.
You couldn't help but tear up as you stumbled back to your bed and curled up again.

That day went by in a burl and all to soon the next day came.
Ray entered and you said curled up on your bed.

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