Stucky - Ouch

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(For @avengersxharrypotter)

You were cuddled up in bed with Steve and Bucky's arms wrapped around you. You suddenly woke up, climbed out of their grip and ran to the bathroom before you vomited. Steve woke up and heard you vomiting as he quickly kneeled beside you.

"Shit, doll. What's wrong?" Steve asked as you hurled up your guts. You finished and leant back as you caught your breath back.

"D-Don't feel good." You muttered as Steve wet a cloth and cleaned off your mouth. Bucky came in and knelt down to you as he looked at you with worry.

"Jesus, what happened?" Bucky asked as he brushed your hair away from your face.

"I threw up." You groaned as Bucky looked at Steve in shock.

"Ummm, maybe you should take a pregnancy test?" Steve said as you grumbled.

"God, I hope I'm not pregnant." You groaned out as Steve gently picked you up.

"Come on, we'll take you up to the infirmary. Friday can scan you." Steve said as you cried out in pain.

"Fuck fuck!" You shouted in pain as you closed your eyes tightly.

"Sorry!" Steve shouted as he placed you down on the bed. You began to cry as you held your right side in pain.

"Friday, scan Y/N please." Bucky said as Steve gently wiped away your tears.

"Y/N seems to be suffering from appendicitis." Friday said as you groaned.

"It hurts so much." You cried as Bucky gently rested you against him.

"Shh doll. What do we do Stevie?" Bucky asked with worry as Steve sat beside you.

"Friday, can you wake up Bruce and get him down here?" Steve asked the A.I as Bucky gently wiped away your tears.

"I-It hurts." You whispered again, Bucky kissed your forehead and you gently held onto Steve's hand.

"I know babydoll, we're right here. Bruce will know what to do." Bucky said as you nodded.

"Guys what's going on?" You heard a voice say as you looked up to see Bruce.

"Y/N woke up and threw up, so we got Friday to scan her and Friday said she has appendicitis. We don't know what to do." Steve explained as you looked up at him hopefully.

"Is it hurting?" Bruce asked as he knelt in front of you, you tried to hold your tears in and nodded.

"R-Really badly." You whispered as he nodded.

"We're gonna have to get you straight to the hospital. Do you need me to come? Tony still hasn't gone to bed and I think he's been drinking so he may need my help. Will you two be ok taking care of her?" Bruce asked Bucky and Steve as they nodded.

"Yeah we can take her, go take care of Tony." Steve said, Bruce nodded and ran back out of the room.

"I'm gonna pick you up doll. Just try to relax." Steve whispered, he picked up your body as you groaned in pain and closed your eyes tightly.

"Friday call ahead and let the New York hospital know we're coming. And if you have to say Tony's name to make sure we get her in, do it." Bucky said as they quickly made their way into the elevator.

"Hang in there doll."

You finally arrived at the hospital and you were in excruciating pain. You were sobbing as you gripped onto Steve's shirt.

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