Loki/Bucky - Castle

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(trigger warning)

"You pathetic slut!" He shouted as he slapped you across the face. He began undoing his belt as he smirked.

"No! Please please stop!" You screamed as he began pulling his pants down

You woke up screaming with tears running down your face.

"Stop!" You screamed as you felt arms going around your waist.

"Please I don't want to." You sobbed out.

"Shh darling, he's not here. It's just me." A voice said as you turned around to see Loki. You buried your head in his chest as he ran his hand through your hair.

"Master?" You muttered as he sighed.

"Yes dear it's me." He said. Loki never wanted you to be his slave, but he knew somewhere inside of you calling Loki master was a comfort to you, so he let you call him that whenever you needed.

"Deep breaths my love." He whispered as you took in slow deep breaths.

"I need to be punished master. I'll be good and take anything." You whispered as a sad look crossed Loki's face.

"Hey darling, look at me." He whispered as he tilted your chin up.

"It's me Loki. I will never hurt you or punish you. You're my partner not my pet. Remember?" He asked as you looked into his eyes for a while before tearing up again.

"L-Loki? Did it happen again?" You whispered as he smiled, he was glad to have you back.

"Yes dear. But it's ok now." He whispered as he gently kissed you.

"I'm sorry my love." You whispered as he kissed your forehead lightly.

"Shh my dear. There's no need for apologies." He said as you smiled. He gently made you lay down and wrapped his arms around you.

"Go back to sleep angel." He whispered as you softly closed your eyes and relaxed.


You woke up and saw the sun rising as you panicked. You woke Loki up as he groaned.

"I have to go. I have to start breakfast with the other servants." You rushed out as he kissed you passionately.

"I love you." He whispered as you smiled and grabbed your coat.

"I love you too." You whispered back before you snuck out of his room and back to the servants quarters.

"Y/N." You heard someone whisper shout as you looked ahead to see your best friend.

"You were with him again weren't you?" She asked as you smirked.

"Where else would I be?" You said as she swatted your arm playfully.

"Quickly get in bed before Mary gets us up." She said as you giggled and climbed under the sheets of your shitty bed.

"Everyone up!" You heard Mary shout as you jumped up and began getting ready for the day ahead.

"Big news everyone, Prince Loki is to be married!" She said as you paled and went cold. Your friend glanced at you with worried eyes as your breath caught in your throat.

"R-Really?" You muttered as Mary glared at you.

"Yes really. I'm not lying." She hissed as a million thoughts ran through your mind.


You helped your best friend Kara with setting the table for the royals to have breakfast. You heard a noise and looked up to see Loki.

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