Bucky - Wakanda

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(Now I apologise if I get a shit tone of this wrong because I haven't watched black panther yet. Bucky crying scene yall! You know the one I'm talking about!)

"I think she's stable but there's no sure way to tell." You heard a voice say as you gasped and shot up from your laying position.

"Easy there." A man said to your left as you looked up to see a tall dark haired man and a shorter younger female beside him.

"It's ok Y/N, you're in Wakanda." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

"W-Who's Y/N, a-and what's Wakanda?" You asked as they looked at you in shock. The smaller girl looked at the tablet in her hands reading over something.

"M-Maybe it's just taking a while for her mind to fully come back." She said as you looked down at your hands. You looked down at your body seeing your torso, right arm, right hand and both legs were made out of some sort of metal.

"W-What happened to me? W-Why is there metal on me!? Where am I!?" You shouted as you jumped up and back away starting to panic.

"Y/N calm down, we have no idea how your body is going to react." The man said as you clawed at the metal connected to your skin.

"Get it off me!" You screamed before they injected something into your neck as you fell unconscious.

"This wasn't supposed to happen, something went wrong."

You woke up with a gasp as you looked around seeing yourself in some sort of infirmary. You tried to move but your hands were restrained as you closed your eyes and kept your breathing steady.

"It's ok, you're safe." You heard a voice say looking up to see the dark haired man from before.

"What's happening to me? W-Who am I?" You asked in fear.

"Your name is Y/N. You were apart of the Avengers, you were in a serious accident, it didn't look like you would survive. So your friends sent you to me, I saved you and repaired your body, with some altercations. I don't know where the memory loss came from." He explained as you nodded slowly.

"W-What are the Avengers?" You asked as he sighed. You really didn't remember anything.

"They're a team of superheroes that protect the world." He said, you processed all he had said for a minute before nodding again.

"I-I don't remember anything, apart from small things like how to walk and talk." You said looking down at your restrained hands.

"I don't even remember my family." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.

"Well you didn't have a family, you were raised in a cult and trained to be an assassin for them. The Avengers rescued you and trained you to be good. Like Bucky." He said as you looked at him in confusion.

"Who's Bucky?" You asked before another man walked in with the young woman.

"Perfect timing." The man beside you said. You looked up and saw Bucky, he was tall with long brown hair, he had just one arm and simple clothing on.

"D-Did we know each other?" You asked as he chuckled.

"I think we might have said hello a few times at the Avengers tower but beyond that no we don't know each other." He said as you sighed in relief.

"Oh how rude of me, I'm T'Challa and this is my sister Shuri." The dark haired man said as you nodded and smiled a little.

"It's nice to meet you both, w-well re-meet you both." You replied awkwardly.

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