Loki/Bucky - Requiem

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(Ok so I listened to requiem from dear Evan Hansen and just thought of Loki. So I’m basing this off the song)

“Loki’s dead Y/N.” Thor said as you looked out your bedroom window.

“I’d like to be left alone.” You whispered as Thor nodded and left.

“He’s gone.” You whispered to yourself as you looked out onto Asgard. You didn’t know how to feel, Loki was gone. Your friend, or lover, or partner, you didn’t know what you were. That was the thing about you and Loki, you were just the back up, the vice. You tried to be more, you always did. But you were nothing to him.

“Why should I mourn a villain?” You spat harshly before storming out of your room.

You were out on the edge of the rainbow bridge where Loki had fell.

“Lady Y/N?” You heard a voice asked as you turned around to see Thor.

“Thor.” You muttered as he stood beside you.

“I can’t imagine how much you miss him.” Thor said as you laughed dryly.

“What?” He asked.

“Just shows how little you know me if you think I miss him.” You said as you stared straight ahead of you.

“Lady Y/N, what are you saying?” He asked as you turned and looked at him.

“I feel for Frigga, and even you. I understand he was something to you, but I’m not going to lie Thor. I’m not going to pretend like I miss him, sit in my room and sob for him. Why? Why should I miss him? Why should I fall apart for that monster?” You said as Thor looked at you in shock.

“Y/N, surely you don’t -

“I don’t miss him one bit. I know you saw something in him, but he was horrible to me. He hurt me Thor! He hurt me every day! I hated him so much! Look out onto Asgard, no one is mourning him. No one mourns a villain, especially not me.” You hissed as Thor looked away from you.

“You don’t mean that.” He whispered as you laughed drying.

“Don’t tell me that I’m wrong! After all he put me through, don’t say it wasn’t true! That he wasn’t the monster that I knew!”

“I can’t fucking lie and pretend that I miss him and my whole world has gone dark. I don’t miss him, he deserved to die!” You shouted, Thor snapped.

“That’s enough!” He shouted as he pushed you. Everything stopped. You saw Thor’s angry face in front of you and your body beginning to fall. And then it all sped up.

“No!” Thor screamed as you fell off the rainbow bridge and into the abyss.
Maybe this was Loki last cruel wish for you, maybe he came back to make Thor push you.
You wouldn’t put it past him.

It was cold and your body hurt from hitting the ground. You lay in a hole your body created.

“No.” You whispered as you looked above you to see a starry sky.
If you were alive from falling, that meant Loki…

“Ahhh did anyone else see that?” Clint muttered as he watched you through his binoculars.

“This must’ve been what I had picked up on my sensors.” Tony said. Steve, Tony, Bucky and Clint were out on a mission when they saw you crash.

“Let’s go see what it is. Tony, any signs of radiation?” Clint asked as Tony checked.

“Nope, all good to go.” He said as they met up and made their way to you. 

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