Stephen - Another Time

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(So this was for a competition and I thought I'd change the characters and make a fan fic out of it. Hope you enjoy! If you wanna go the extra mile Listen to Hurricane by Fleurie while reading)

Two beings stood in the middle of an empty field. A man and a woman, the woman's long brunette hair blowing behind her, the boys short black hair askew from the powerful wind. He looked down at the shorter woman and gazed into her ocean blue eyes, she gazed back into his green ones.

This was the end, the end of their story. They both knew it. She could feel the magic of the portal behind her trying to drag her in, she couldn't hold on for much longer. This was the only way to save everything and everyone, if she went to whole other universe this one would be safe without her. She had to leave him here, it was the only way. He looked into her eyes and teared up, finally realising he would never see her again. He would never see his love's face, never feel her touch and never kiss her again.

"I can't let you go." She whispered as tears streamed down her pale face.

"I'll never..." She took in a deep breath and let more tears fall before she continued.

"I'll never see you again." She sobbed out as he held onto her hands. The powerful magic creating a strong wind around them.

"This is the end my love, our story had to end at some point. You knew this day would come. Please, you need to be strong. You need to let go." He whispered barely getting his words out. She realised that this moment was all they had, she realised how quickly it would end and how soon it would just become a distant memory. The last chapter, the last word of the story.

"I love you." She whispered as he wiped away her tears.

"I love you too, forever." He replied making her cry even more. She knew she had to let go, she didn't want to, with all her heart and soul she didn't want to. But she had to. It was time, time to close the book and end their story.

"You have to let go now." He muttered, she nodded and looked into his eyes for the last time.

"Goodbye, my love." She managed to whisper the last words as their hands began to let go. Everything they had gone through, the love they had shared, the battles fought and the darkness they had conquered. It was over, it was in the past, those times were chapters away lost in words and pages. Soon this moment would be the same, just a distant heartache.

She cast one last glance at her love and let go of his hands.

And that was it, the moment was over, the story had ended. She drifted away from him to another land where a new story would begin, a story without him.

Looking back on it, she wishes she could pause that moment. Just be with him for eternity in that last page. But like any story, you read it, finish it, think about it for some time and then it slowly fades from your mind. This story would to fade from her mind, the character she loved so dearly would fade along with it in time.

So many years since she was in that last moment, as much as she hated it even his face was starting to fade. She used to be able to map out every freckle, every scar on his face. But now, she could barely remember his eyes or his voice. She convinced herself for so long that it wasn't forever, that one day she would see him again, hold him again. He warned her of this, warned her not to torture herself with memories of someone that didn't even exist anymore. Someone that has been written out of the story so long ago.

It's ok to let go now, it's ok to move on. He may fade from her mind, but that feeling in her heart would never falter. Their story may have ended and their book burnt to ash. But part of that girl still remained in this new character, that love he gave her remained and would forever remain.

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